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Getting Started With Jekyll

Making a webpage is easy. Making a website, with a standard layout made of consistent headers, footers, and all that shiny gets harder with each page you add to the site. To make it all look like you know what you're doing (and you do know what you're doing, right?) it all has to look the same. And what happens when you get bored with it and want to redesign it? You have to do it all over again by hand.

Or not. Half the fun of being a dev is that you can use tools (or write them yourself) to deal with all the tedious stuff so you can get to the fun bits. One really great tool for building websites and blogs is called Jekyll. It's a command line tool for creating websites that handles all the repetitive stuff for you.

Today, we're going to go over

* Installing Jekyll in your c9 workspace
* Creating a new website
* Writing a blog post
* Hosting it on GitHub for free

Jekyll has WAY more features than we can get into in one sitting, so if you want to explore more on your own, checkout the Jekyll website.


Jekyll depends on a program called Ruby. Ruby is a bit like NodeJs in that it it runs programs written in a specific language (Ruby) and has a package manager called Gem that can be used to install programs written in Ruby, like Node's Npm program. Normally, you'd have to install Ruby yourself, but the good news is that Ruby comes pre-installed in every Cloud9 workspace. To install Jekyll type this into bash:

gem install jekyll

Creating a New GitHub Repo For Your Site

Go ahead an open a tab with GitHub (login if you're not already) and a tab with whatever Cloud9 workspace you're going to use. If you don't have a workspace set up, a simple HTML5 one will do.

Github will host a website for each user and organization for free. Using this feature is actually really easy. If you create a repository on Github and name it in the pattern, GitHub will host the files of that repo at that URL, provided that repo contains a website. Even better, GitHub supports Jekyll projects out of the box, so our Jekyll projects will automatically be built into websites.

Let's start

1.) Switch to your GitHub tab. In the upper-right corner, click +, and then 
    click New repository.
2.) Give it the name [whatever your github username is] - Make sure your
    username is spelled correctly (I screwed this up once and it took me all 
    night to figure out that was what I'd done wrong *facepalm*)
3.) Check the "Initialize this repository with a README" box
4.) click the "Add .gitignore" button, type in jekyll and select "Jekyll" from
    the dropdown.
5.) Click "Create Repository"

Now that you should be at the main page for your newly created repository. On the right-hand column, towards the bottom, there should be a widget to copy the SSH clone URL. Click on the clipboard to copy that link. Now let's switch to your c9 workspace tab. Your bash command line should be at the bottom of your screen. Type:

git clone [hit Ctrl+V to paste the SSH URL here]

and then hit Enter. The prompt may give you a gibberish warning, just type "yes" and hit enter again if it does. Git will create a new directory for your repository with a brand spanking new empty file ready to go. Now we can use Jekyll to create a new projet in our repo directory.

PROTIP: When you're using the command line, if you hit Tab, bash will autocomplete a lot of stuff for you like directory and filenames, command names, all kinds of stuff. For instance, you're about to feed the Jekyll "new" command the directory for your website repo. That's probably really long and you may not feel like typing it all. So just type the first few (like 3) letters, hit Tab, and let the command line complete it for you.

To fill our repo directory with all the stuff Jekyll needs to do its magic, we type

jekyll new [whatever your repo directory is] --force

We need the "--force" switch at the end, because otherwise Jekyll will whine and cry because the directory you're giving it already exists and has stuff in it.

Hit enter on that magic spell and watch a shiny new blog all your own appear out of nowhere. Your repo directory is now filled with a bunch of new files and folders and even has a couple example pages in there to show you how it all works. In addition to having commands for creating and building projects, Jekyll comes with a simple HTTP server command we can use to view our sites as we work on them. Lets actually take a minute to fire our sites up right now and take a look at what Jekyll has given us to work with.

In bash, navigate to your repo directory and type:

jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT

The "--host" and "--port" switches are needed in our c9 workspaces in order to point the "serve" sub-command to a place where we can see what it's serving us. The site is actually viewable to the entire Web right now and here's how to see it.

[your workspace name]-c9-[your Cloud9 username]

for instance I have workspace named "sparkclub" and my c9 handle is "themooserooster" so when I serve a Jekyll site in my workspace, I can see it at the address

So I would open a new tab, enter that url (no autocomplete here kids, sorry) and I should see my blog staring back at me. Go ahead and give it a shot. (Don't forget to navigate into your repo directory before serving.)

You should see a boilerplate welcome page. It's clean and functional, but totally stock and boring. Let's start customizing this thing to make it yours.

Basic Customization

Let's take a look at the project Jekyll created for you. Here's the files and folders you should see:


We're only going to look at 3 parts of our project today:

  • _config.yml
  • /_posts

First, lets change some basic configuration of out site to make it our own. Open _config.yml and take a look at it. It should look something like this:

# Site settings
title: Your awesome title
email: [email protected]
description: "Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description."
baseurl: ""
url: ""
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username:  jekyll

# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
permalink: pretty

Seems a bit familiar, right? For instance the "Your awesome title" line was on the front page of your website when you just ran it in Cloud9. When Jekyll builds a website out of all the parts in your project, it looks here to find out what text it should use for the site's title.

  • Change the title to somethng new and fun. If you can't think of anything "[your name]'s Super Sweet Hacker Blog" is totally an option.

  • Change the email line to your own email addy

  • Change the description to something interesting. Go nuts, but keep it a one-liner.

  • Change the URL line to "[your GutHub username]"

  • Change Twitter and Github username lines to your own. Don't have a twitter? Congrats, you've got homework.

  • Add /_site to .gitignore

  • Change About page

  • Write an introductory blog post

Commit Your Changes and Push to GitHub

git add .
git commit -m "Created my new website!"
git push

Check out your repo page on GitHub (refresh it if its already open). It should show that you just pushed a commit and have the message you entered when you made the commit. Groovy, its up there but that's not really the big thing we want to see, right?

Open a new tab and type in

[your GitHub username]

You may not see anything there yet.


The Jekyll Website

GitHub Pages Website

Kramdown-flavored Markdown Quick Reference


Getting Started With Jekyll - Operation Spark Lesson Curriculum






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