tiny lib for xero
existing ruby xero libraires are crowded with models : Payroll, Contact, Invoice that map each xml structure available through api
But what if I dont care with Payroll or I have already one ... Will I have to build an XXX::Invoice with mine ?
Here is the minimal workflow for a POST request to xero :
- send a http request, with xml in params (in body for PUT, ohnoes)
- sign request with oauth
- parse response
What this library does is the minimal wire, that is a functional api to GET|POST|PUT any xero call, with the following workflow
- use your model to build proper xml
- call xero-min
- parse response to get data your app need
Library was built and tested for a private app
- typhoeus, to configure uri, headers, body, params : any option is passed to request
- nokogiri to parse xml response
cli = XeroMin::Client.new('your_consumer_key', 'your_secret_key')
make it behave as a private app
You will get a Nokogiri node for an xml content type, raw body for pdf, an exception for other returned mime types
- You can scrap xml data thanks to Nokogiri and extract what you require, no more, no less
- You can do what you want with pdf, pipe it or write to file ...
The two following statements are equivalent
client.get! :invoices
client.get! 'https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices'
# => get all invoices, default content type is 'text/xml'
To get a particular invoice, the following statements are equivalent
client.get! 'https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices/INV-0001'
client.get! invoice: 'INV-0001'
# do not forget braces for first ar
To specify the accepted content type, use either
client.get! 'https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Invoices/INV-0001', accept: 'application/json'
client.get! {invoice: 'INV-0001'}, accept: 'application/json'
doc = client.get! :contacts
doc.xpath('//Contact').map{|c| ['ContactID', 'Name'].map{|e| c.xpath("./#{e}").text}}
lib is raw : you have to post well-formed xml, as it is what xero understand
client.put! :contacts, body: xml
client.post! 'https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/contacts', body: xml
XeroMin::Erb implements basic xml building
bill = {id: '4d73c0f91c94a2c47500000a', name: 'Billy', first_name: 'Bill', last_name: 'Kid', email: '[email protected]'}
xml=erb.render contact: bill
and xml should be
<EmailAddress>[email protected]</EmailAddress>
see XeroMin::Erb source code for precisions, templates for example, documentation
Use anything else you feel more comfortable with
doc = client.get! :contacts
doc = 'https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/invoices'
doc = client.get! "#{client.url_for(:contacts)}/#{bill.id}"
It is a Nokogiri node if post is success, extract what you need
invoice.ref = node.xpath('/Response/Invoices/Invoice/InvoiceNumber').first.content
Else, it raise a XeroMin::Problem with a message
use PUT to post data ... or use POST + params: {xml: xml} rather than body: xml with following patch : https://github.com/oauth/oauth-ruby/pull/24