Genter v2.1.14
- Replaced Scrypt with Argon2di (kdf).
- Added Secure Notes manager menu and allows you to store secure/encrypted notes in the database. (The note names are not encrypted but the note data is.)
- Updated menus with numbers to look a bit better.
- Changed how the "get hash" function works and allows you to chose from different hashing options and returns the hash of the string of text you have typed.. (using hashlib).
- New colorful banner/logo.
- Squahed some boogs.
- Changed up the menu, hopefully it looks better now and not to crowded.
- Updated lock and unlock functions. They now use AES GCM like everything else. (Use a different key to lock and unlock database)
- The "Change credentials" function now accommodates the new "secure notes" feature.
- Linux and windows executable was compiled using Nuitka instead of pyinstaller. (Size of exe should be smaller now)
Windows .exe will be worked on after this release. Coming soon!
- Changed how passwords are shown in pass.txt. (Removed all of the hash, salt, and key information)
- Updated "change credentials" function to reflect changes.