Medium tutorial 3 Great Additions for your Jupyter Notebooks
To install the jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
package with this command on the terminal window:
$ conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
Once the package is installed, we can start jupyter notebook using:
$ jupyter notebook
Once you go to the home page of your jupyter notebook, you can see that a new tab for NBExtensions
is created.
Find updated Binder instance in HERE --> Click me
- corresponding to repository Source repo
This is the Binder instance of the ORIGINAL repo ____
- corresponding to repository Source repo
Find the paper describing this methodology for teaching ROS at file Interactive ROS Tutorials with Jupyter Notebooks.pdf
or at CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
$ docker build -t jupyterlab-ros-tutorials --file Dockerfile.init .
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 jupyterlab-ros-tutorials:latest
$ docker build -t jupyterlab-robostack .
$ docker run --rm -it --name jupyteros -p 8888:8888 jupyterlab-ros-tutorials:latest