Presented by Paris Buttfield-Addison, Tim Nugent and Mars Geldard at OSCON 2018
Includes two Playgrounds: the distribution version, which was pre-made and contains a broader overview of all the content we would have liked to fit in to the talk or extensions thereof, and the presentation version, which is an annotated version of that made on stage. The talk video can also be viewed here.
On top of a quick into to the Swift language and the benefits of learning and playing with Playgrounds overall, this talk's content covers:
- Types
- Operators
- Flow Control
- Optionals
- Functions
- Structs, Classes and Enums
- Protocols
- I/O
- Debugging
... while discussing the language and environments' strengths, weaknesses and conventions throughout.
O'Reilly's Learning Swift 3rd Edition by the presenters
The Playgrounds content was written by the authors named above, release for use under the MIT License. The theme file included is an Xcode adaptation of Solarized by Ethan Schoonover.