OpenApi/swagger documentation generation for NancyFX. Integration with this repository is designed to be as trivial as possible:
- Pull down the NuGet package.
- Create an implementation of the IApiDescription interface to describe your Api at the top-level (Ie author, license information).
- Create a derivative of MetadataModule for every module you wish to serve Api documentation from.
2 new routes will be added at the root of your application:
- /swagger.json
This is the combined documentation which is automatically generated using each of the metadata modules.
- /api-docs
This is a bundled implementation of the Swagger Ui project. It consumes the specification created at the swagger.json route.
- Install-Package Nancy.OpenApi
- Extend Bootstrapper:
using Nancy.Bootstrapper;
using Nancy.OpenApi.Infrastructure;
namespace MyApiProject
public class Bootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override NancyInternalConfiguration InternalConfiguration => this.WithOpenApi(Conventions, ApplicationContainer);
- Create Metadata Implementation
namespace MyExampleApi
public class HelloWorldModule : NancyModule
public HelloWorldModule()
Get["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
Post["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
Put["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
Delete["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
Patch["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
Options["/api/helloWorld"] = p => null;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MyExampleApi
public class HelloWorldMetadata : ModuleMetadata
public PathMetadata PostMetadata = new PathMetadata
OperationId = "addTest",
Summary = "Add a test object",
Consumes = new List<string> { "application/json", "application/xml" },
Produces = new List<string> { "application/json", "application/xml" },
Tags = new List<string> { "Test" }
public HelloWorldMetadata()
Post["/api/helloWorld"] = PostMetadata;
Make sure your Metadata module matches your Nancy Module. HelloWorldModule should have a ModuleMetadata derivative named HelloWorldMetadata
For further information as to what information to include in your metadata module, please refer to the official swagger/open api documentation over at The Official Docs :)