Welcome to Flutter International (Pokerstars) technical exercise for frontend test engineers!
The site we would like you to test can be found at: https://www.pokerstarssports.uk, you will need to be browsing from a UK IP address in order to access it. Please bear in mind that the site is highly dynamic and both the content and the layout may change over time. You will not need to register an account or log in to the website to complete this test.
Write 10 or more Gherkin scenarios to cover behaviour on the home page.
Create a simple javascript framework using WebdriverIO and Cucumber to automate a selection of the scenarios you have created. You should include at least 5 scenarios.
- https://www.npmjs.com
- https://webdriver.io/docs/gettingstarted
- https://webdriver.io/docs/frameworks#using-cucumber
After completing the tasks, please update the README.md file with your scenarios from Task 1 and instructions on how to run your tests, include any information you think is relevant, interesting or useful. The preferred delivery method for this project is via Github but we will also accept a zipped file sent as an email attachment.