Use an esp8266 and some cheap 433mhz sender/receiver to send any (ask non-rolling) rf command.
Default pins are: Pin 16 send date (D0 on a nodeMCU board) Pin 2 receive data (D4 on a nodeMCU board)
- Flash esp8266 with the sketch (prequisite: in your libraries folder)
- Connect to the RFControl wifi
- A browser should open and redirect you to a wifi setup screen (if not open any browser and visit a non https site and you will be redirected)
- Set up your wifi
- Done
To "learn" a command:
- Go to http://your.esp.ip/receive
- Within 5 seconds press the button on the original remote
- A link with the parameters to send the received code will be displayed in the browser
- Klicking the link will send out the signal (can also easily be used with other software as a webhook)
Sending a command:
- open the generated link from learning
Example URL:,1776,5892,36924,0,0,0,0&timings=210000111001000000001021110000111021001100100123&repeats=3 This will send a RF message with high/low lengths defined in buckets in the order of timings and repeat it repeats times.
Many thanks to the creator of the RFControl library: