- brew cask install zeebe-modeler
kubectl port-forward svc/zeebe-cluster-zeebe-gateway 26500:26500 -n zeebe-thorbjorn # Run in a terminal of it's own
cd app
bin/worker # Run in a terminal of it's own
import {Duration} from 'zeebe-node'
import OrderWorkflow from '@workflows/orderPlaced'
// Will be a success :-)
let orderId = 1
OrderWorkflow.orderPlaced({orderId, country: 'Norway'})
OrderWorkflow.client.publishMessage({ name: 'paymentReceived', correlationKey: orderId.toString(), timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {receivedAmount: 100} })
// Will fail, payment issue
orderId = 2
OrderWorkflow.orderPlaced({orderId, country: 'Norway'})
// Change order id to 3, just to make it pass
OrderWorkflow.client.publishMessage({ name: 'paymentReceived', correlationKey: '3', timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {receivedAmount: 100} })
// Show business error, sending is too large
orderId = 5
OrderWorkflow.orderPlaced({orderId, country: 'sweden'})
OrderWorkflow.client.publishMessage({ name: 'paymentReceived', correlationKey: orderId.toString(), timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {receivedAmount: 100} })
import {Duration} from 'zeebe-node'
import NetsOcrRegistration from '@workflows/netsOcrRegistration'
let accountNumber = 1
NetsOcrRegistration.client.publishMessage({name: 'netsOcrAgreementPollStatusNow', correlationKey: accountNumber.toString(), timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {} })
import {Duration} from 'zeebe-node'
import NetsOcrPollFiles from '@workflows/netsOcrPollFiles'
NetsOcrPollFiles.client.publishMessage({name: 'netsOcrPollFilesStart', correlationKey: 'pollJobSameKeyEnsuresSingleInstance', timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {numberOfFiles: 0} })
NetsOcrPollFiles.client.publishMessage({name: 'netsOcrPollFilesStart', correlationKey: 'pollJobSameKeyEnsuresSingleInstance', timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {numberOfFiles: 2} })
// File number 5, 6 and 7 will cause issue in parent process
NetsOcrPollFiles.client.publishMessage({name: 'netsOcrPollFilesStart', correlationKey: 'pollJobSameKeyEnsuresSingleInstance', timeToLive: Duration.seconds.of(60), variables: {numberOfFiles: 7} })
- HELM charts has some tests running, which .. I'm not sure how is suppose to work, but I do want to not include them in the deploy.
- Seems like someone already is working on this here: pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes#666
- Make a test app to play with
- Test more advanced use cases like subprocesses, errro handling etc.
- How to show history to users?
- How does it really work in production?