Using Cypress to handle automation tests implementing Page Objects and Screenplay patterns.
The goal was to develop automation tests to the simple list app available at
To achieve that, Gherkin features lead the way of thinking the core features of that system. Given/When/Then strategy was used here:
Development with this pattern was done under the branch feature/page-objects.
Object Home:
Implementation of this pattern was developed after the page object approuch. Another strategy was using fixture to handle import data from external file (ex: json) and randomize inputs.
Screenplay pattern base files:
Five original blocks were simplified to 3: Actor, Task and Questions, here translated to Agente, Tarefa e DadoQuandoEntao, respectively.
- integration/
- screenplay/
- Tarefas/
- AcessarHome.tarefa.js
- AdicionarValorVazio.tarefa.js
- EsperarListaContendoDoisItens.tarefa.js
- EsperarListaContendoUmItem.tarefa.js
- ExibirLista.tarefa.js
- ExibirListaContendoTres.tarefa.js
- InserirNovoRepositorio.tarefa.js
- LimparLista.tarefa.js
- RemoverItem.tarefa.js
- VisualizarListaComItens.tarefa.js
- VisualizarListaVazia.tarefa.js
- index.js
- adicionar/
- componentes/
- remover/
- Tarefas/
- screenplay/
This project uses ESLint, Prettier and lint-staged to handle linting operations and precommit hook.
Before hands-on, do not forget to run:
npm install
npx mrm lint-staged