Magento 2 Acaldeira SimplePay Module
This module is a skeleton for building a Magento 2 payment module.
- Magento >= 2.0
This library aims to support and is tested against the following PHP implementations:
- PHP 7.0
Install using composer by adding to your composer file using commands:
create a folder at magento's root folder called "acmodules"
extract the extension inside the folder "acmodules/simplePay"
update Magento's composer.json file with the following
2.1 add require
"acaldeira/simplePay": "*"
2.2 add repositories
{ "type": "path", "url": "acmodules/simplePay" }
composer update
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.
Respect the Magento OSL license, which is included in this codebase.
Copyright (c) 2017 Acaldeira.