#todo short desc
You need Node v10+ and Gatsby.
git clone https://github.com/thiagovilla/thiagovilla.github.io.git
cd thiagovilla.github.io
npm install
npm run develop
- Front-end framework: GatsbyJS
- UI framework: React (part of Gatsby itself)
- Styling system: Emotion
- Design system: Tachyons, if it "works" with Emotion
- Back-end (CMS): DatoCMS
- Deploy plataform: GitHub Pages
- Design and code home page
- Design and code post page
- 🛠️ Connect DatoCMS
- 🛠️ Add Disqus comments
- 📅 (2021 Q1) Twitter feed on footer
- 📅 (2021 Q1) LinkedIn feed on footer
- 🤔 Add book, video, online course summaries
- 💡 Combine Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub feeds
- 💡 GitHub activity feed on footer
- 💡 Add "Was this helpful?" to posts
- 💡 Library of curated UI patterns (epic 🧙♂️)
Legend: 🛠️ working on it, 📅 scheduled, 🤔 considering, 💡 idea
#todo add legal, credits, acknowledgments