Provides a new Magento widget which can be used to embed a Marketo form inside CMS Pages and Blocks.
To install this module run the following.
If you don't have Pyxl_Core installed already run this first:
composer config repositories.pyxl-core git
composer require pyxl/core:^1.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_Core
Then require this package:
composer config repositories.pyxl-marketowidget git
composer require pyxl/marketo-widget:^1.0.4
bin/magento module:enable Pyxl_MarketoWidget
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:clean
You will need to setup a few settings before using these widgets.
- Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Pyxl -> Marketo Settings
- In Base URL insert the base URL for your subscription. This can typically be found in the embed code.
- In Munchkin ID insert your subscription Munchkin ID.
To use the widget use the Insert Widget function on any CMS Block or Page and choose Marketo Form. In the popup put the Form ID in the field and save. Your form should populate when testing (after clearing cache).
- Joel Rainwater