The circuit here is based on the Yusynth Pulse Delay with minor tweaks to make it more Eurorack friendly. The changes I've made are thus:
- Selected resistors appropriate for +/-12V rails,
- Added polarity protection so that a backward power header doesn't fry anything (twin series schotty diodes: BAT54SL),
- Full surface mount design.
The Yusynth page is a treasure trove of information about this circuit that I am too amateur to claim as my own; please read that outstanding page before using this circuit. The page provides many details and other implementations of this circuit that you may find suitable.
The KiCAD project here uses the library/footprints found in my companion repo.
Jack for gate/pulse input.
Knobs for:
- Pulse delay
- Pulse width
Jack for gate/pulse output.
LED to indicate output.
There are part numbers in the BOM for many of the parts (not for basic passives though) at the following vendors:
- Mouser: Needs no introduction. Get your ICs from here (or digikey).
- Tayda Electronics: Good supplier for passive components; audio jacks, and potentiometers. Their audio jacks are slightly smaller than the thonkiconn from thonk.
- Love My Switches: Has really good knobs to go on those potentiometers!
- OSHPark: Fast and (relatively) cheap PCB manufacturer. Prototype run pending.