nvim-cmp source for html classes.
This plugin autocompletes class tags using a pre-generated json file.
A json file must be generated first. It contains one json object per line, with two keys:
- class: the html class to autocomplete
- files: a json array containing all files where this class is defined
Here is an example:
The file is generated with this bash script:
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
# Get all classes in css files, in json format, then use jq to get all matching
# results and format them: {"class":"my-first-class","file":"/path/to/file.css"}
rg "\.[a-z][a-z0-9-]{3,}" -tcss --no-filename --json assets | jq -c '.
| select(.type == "match")
| {class: .data.submatches[].match.text, file: .data.path.text}' > $temp_dir/raw.json
# Sort and uniq input file
cat $temp_dir/raw.json | sort | uniq > $temp_dir/uniq.json
# Group results by class name and add a files key containing all files
cat $temp_dir/uniq.json | jq -sc 'map(. + {data: [{class: [.class], file: [.file]}]})
| group_by(.class)[]
| .[0] + {files: [.[].data[].file | add]}
| del (.data, .file)' > $temp_dir/grouped.json
# Remove trailing dot in class name
sed -i 's/"\./"/' $temp_dir/grouped.json
mv $temp_dir/grouped.json ~/generated_html_classes.json
sources = {
{ name = 'html_class' },
The plugin is activated for twig
and html
Autocompletion is triggered for double quotes and space
There is no configuration at the moment.
- Configure filetypes