Because Python is hard and I've always wanted to write my segments in Go.
This is a deamon that generates and returns Powerline segments as described in the docs. This project has 2 parts:
- The daemon that runs your go code and exposes an HTTP API
- The powerline compatible code that glues it with the
You can grab the latest version of gowerline by running the following (needs curl, jq, tar and wget)
curl -sSfL | bash
Then install the latest version of the python extension by running
pip install -U gowerline
This is a pluggable segment generating system. Essentially a very simple powerline "segment" in the sense of the python class, will call a Go server that will be in charge of generating the actual segments. It allows you to generate data that would be too long to generate if it had to be called every time you pop a shell, for instance do API calls to your favourite stock ticker or for example check the validity of an auth token every other minute.
Every plugin has a
file at the root of their directory detailing what they do and how they work
Plugin name | Plugin description |
Bash | Renders segments that are the result of bash commands ran on a schedule |
Finnhub | Displays financial infos about a stock ticker (or many!) that you are interested in |
Vault | Gives you information about your current Hashicorp Vault token (display name, validity TTL & co) |
Colourenv | Renders environment variables in your terminal with different colourschemes depending on values (useful to not wreck production by mistake) |
Network | Displays information about how your network connexion is doing |
You have two parts to it:
- The powerline extension, that bridges between poweline and the Go server
- The Go server that will bridge between the python extension and the plugins.
Essentially, everytime you open a prompt, Powerline will call the various extensions of the server to fetch segments to render, it's as simple as this.
$ make install # Will install the python extension and the go binary
$ make install-systemd # Will install the userland systemd service to start the server
$ make install-full # will do both
# this will remove it
$ make uninstall
You might also need to pip install -r requirements.txt
This will use the time
plugin. In your powerline theme, add the following:
"function": "gowerline.gowerline.gwl",
"priority": 10,
"args": {
"function": "time"
Every plugin exposes one or more function
that you have to reference in your powerline config. This will effectively
be passed down to the Go code, as long as every other variable you add in this JSON.
The Gowerline config itself lives in ~/.gowerline/server.yaml
debug: false
# use port to listen over HTTP, this is
# not the recommended, use the socket instead
# port: 6666
unix: ~/.gowerline/server.sock
- name: time
# no config needed
- name: network
- name: finnhub
# toggle to true to actually load the plugin
disabled: true
- FB
- name: vault
# no config needed
- name: colourenv
- regex: stag
highlightGroup: "information:priority"
- regex: devel
highlightGroup: "information:regular"
- regex: prod
highlightGroup: "warning:regular"
- name: bash
cmd: "date"
interval: 30
highlightGroup: "information:regular"
cmd: "kubectl config get-contexts --no-headers | grep '*' | awk '{ print $3 }'"
interval: 5
highlightGroup: "gwl:kube_context"
The gowerline
binary is also a commandline tool that allows you to interract with the server.
You need to add the binary to your path like so:
export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.gowerline/bin
You can list plugins and get help about a specific plugin like so:
$ gowerline plugin list
| bash | Executes bash commands on | Thomas Maurice | 0.0.1 |
| | a schedule and returns the | <[email protected]> | |
| | result | | |
| colourenv | Displays the content of env | Thomas Maurice | 0.0.1 |
| | vars with colours depending on | <[email protected]> | |
| | matched regexes | | |
| finnhub | Returns information about the | Thomas Maurice | 0.0.1 |
| | stock price of certain tickers | <[email protected]> | |
| network | Gather information about your | Thomas Maurice | devel |
| | network connectivity | <[email protected]> | |
| time | Shows time, it is a debug | Thomas Maurice | 0.0.1 |
| | segment | <[email protected]> | |
| vault | Gathers information about | Thomas Maurice | 0.0.1 |
| | the current Vault token and | <[email protected]> | |
| | formats the result | | |
You can also get help about a specific plugin, it will tell you what functions ship with a plugin and the arguments to include in your powerline json config:
./bin/gowerline-v0.0.3-15-2d4a3be-dirty-thomas_linux_amd64 plugin functions bash
| bash | Runs bash functions at regular | | |
| | intervals and displays the | | |
| | output | | |
| | | cmd | Name of the command to run |
You can also test what is going to be returned, instead of messing with a cURL command:
./bin/gowerline-v0.0.3-15-2d4a3be-dirty-thomas_linux_amd64 plugin run-function bash -a cmd=kubeContext -o json
"contents": "kubernetes",
"highlight_groups": [
Go have a look at the example plugin. It should
be easy to understand. Feel free to copy it in the plugins/
directory and fill in the blanks.
The Makefile
is designed so that if you run make plugins
your new source will be picked up and compiled to bin/plugins/<plugin>
The plugins are complied as Go plugins (essentialy .so
libraries) that are loaded by the main daemon.