Source code for animating a spinning globe, consisting of hexagons. This can be used to generate images similar to the ones in the original twitter tweet. Below are some images that are created in the Jupyter notebook.
For more images and GIFs, check out
Note that this code is closely linked to the PlatonicSolidsQuadratures repository which allows for an easier handling of quadrature related aspects.
Clone the repository and run through the cells of visworld.ipynb
found here.
If you encounter an issue with mpl_toolkits
(I did), this link might help. To deal with that issue, the Google Colab version additionally runs
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
sudo pip3 install
I ported the Jupyter notebook to Google Colab. In the process, I had move the
file in the notebook.
Note that the Colab notebook is already outdated and contains only the initla animations, no diffusion or Game of Life.
nq = 2252
quadrature = getquadrature(nq)
# plot the earth
colors = color_land(quadrature)
# higher resolution to plot countries
nq = 7292
quadrature = getquadrature(nq)
colors = color_country(quadrature)
nq = 7292
quadrature = getquadrature(nq)
colors = color_land(quadrature)
frames = []
nframes = 20 # the more, the slower
for i,angle in enumerate(np.linspace(0,360,nframes)[:-1]):
frames.append(myplot(colors,quadrature,"tmp.png",frameid = i, angle1=30,angle2=angle)),"spinning_earth.gif")
We need an update rule for each time step.
def diffusion(c,nextc,gamma = 0.2):
# Not really spherical diffusion
# because I ignore the cell size,
# but an approximation.
return c+gamma*(np.sum(nextc) -len(nextc)*c)
Then we can update the states in every iteration
# pick the number of cells on the globe from this list
# [92, 492, 1212, 2252, 3612, 5292, 7292, 9612, 12252, 15212]
nq = 9612
quadrature = getquadrature(nq)
# +1 or -1 if center of hexagon is land or not
states = np.array([0.7 if l else -1.0 for l in get_land(quadrature)])
# if there were an eleveation profile of the earth,
# I could insert that instead of states
frames = [] # list of frames to append to
nframes = 200 # number of frames
frequency = 1 # frequency with which to update the states
# make camera move around the globe and up and down
angles1 = 0.2*np.degrees( np.sin(np.linspace(0,5*2*np.pi,nframes+1)[:-1]))
angles2 = np.linspace(0,3*360,nframes+1)[:-1]
# specify the update rule
updaterule = diffusion
for i,(angle1,angle2) in enumerate(zip(angles1,angles2)):
# Map from states to color
cmap ='terrain')
colors = [cmap(s) for s in states]
# update states according to rule
if i%frequency == 0:
states = applyupdate(quadrature,updaterule,states)
print(i+1,end= "," if i<nframes-1 else ". Done!"), "diffusion.gif", duration = 100)
We gain need an update rule. A cell's state is updated based upon the adjacent neighbours. Here you can be creative.
def gameoflife(c,nextc):
# update the cell c based upon the neighbours nextc
# c is true => cell alive
# c is fale => cell dead
n = len(nextc) # is mostly 6 but for some points 5
nalive = sum(nextc)
if not(c) and nalive in [1,2]:
return True
if c and nalive in [3,4,5,6]:
return False
# Else, nothing changed
return c
Then create the animation.
# pick the number of cells on the globe from this list
# [92, 492, 1212, 2252, 3612, 5292, 7292, 9612, 12252, 15212]
nq = 5292
quadrature = getquadrature(nq)
# True or False if center of hexagon is land or not
states = np.random.rand(nq)<0.01
frames = [] # list of frames to append to
nframes = 100 # number of frames
frequency = 5 # frequency with which to update the states
# make camera move around the globe and up and down
angles1 = np.degrees( np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,nframes+1)[:-1]))
angles2 = 30+0*np.linspace(0,3*360,nframes+1)[:-1]
# specify the update rule
updaterule = gameoflife
for i,(angle1,angle2) in enumerate(zip(angles1,angles2)):
# Map from states to color
colors = ["tab:green" if s else "k" for s in states]
# update states according to rule
if i%frequency == 0:
states = applyupdate(quadrature,updaterule,states)
print(i+1,end= "," if i<nframes-1 else ". Done!"), "gol.gif", duration = 100)