This project was adopted with changes from ``_ repository. Thanks for awesome job!
Once the deployment is done, there is run a database populator job (a one time job) that setups PostgreSQL database.
The default credentials are (see the configuration stated in the provision.yaml
* Username: [email protected]
* Password: 123456
# Clone this repo and revisit the provisioning configuration:
vim playbooks/provision.yaml
# If all looks ok, run the provision playbook:
OCP_URL=$(oc whoami --show-server) OCP_TOKEN=$(oc whoami --show-token) SENTRY_NAMESPACE='sentry-namespace' ansible-playbook playbooks/provision.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/deprovision.yaml --extra-vars SENTRY_NAMESPACE=sentry-namespace
The persistent volumes used are left untouched and need to be deleted manually if needed.
If you are unable to log into Sentry after provisioning with an error message "CSRF Verification Failed", check route configuration. It should use TLS.