##install npm
npm install --save @threefoldjimber/threefold_login
yarn add @threefoldjimber/threefold_login
Get a LoginUrl
import { ThreefoldLogin, generateRandomString } from '@threefoldjimber/threefold_login';
const threeFoldAPIHost = "{{host endpoint}}";
const appId = "{{your appId}}"; // should always be your domain (eg myapp.com)
const seedPhrase = "{{seedphrase}}"; // the secret of your app; preferably a backend secret.
const redirectUrl = 'url to redirect'; // not full url, only the path eg '/callback'
const login = ThreefoldLogin( threeFoldAPIHost,
redirectUrl );
await login.init();
const state = generateRandomString();
const loginUrl = login.generateLoginUrl();
// you can now use this `loginUrl` to redirect or open a window
Process redirectUrl
import { ThreefoldLogin } from '@threefoldjimber/threefold_login';
const threeFoldAPIHost = "{{host endpoint}}";
const appId = "{{your appId}}";
const seedPhrase = "{{seedphrase}}";
const redirectUrl = 'url to redirect';
// you can use the same instance as `Get a LoginUrl`
const login = ThreefoldLogin( threeFoldAPIHost,
redirectUrl );
await login.init();
const state = '{{same state as getting login url}}';
const redirectUrl = URL('{{redirectUrl}}')
try {
const profileData = login.parseAndValidateRedirectUrl(redirectUrl, state);
} catch (e){
// something went wrong
For deploying, please build the docker locally and push to dockerhub with the following command in the root folder:
docker build -f example/Dockerfile . -t threefoldjimber/login-example:latest
After that, push the docker to the Hub and pull on the right server
docker push threefoldjimber/login-example:latest