A php and webbased simplistic newsletter/mass mailing tool.
News can be composed by a convient wysiwyg editor, which is capable of embedding images directly into the newsletter mail. Templates can be used to give the newsletter a common style.
The storage is filebased which means it will run on very limited webservers. There is no need for an sql database. All you need it atleas PHP5 and sufficient space. Private data like mail addresses is protected by a simple xor encryption.
Just follow the Installation & Configuration instructions
Please report bugs via the issue tracker or send an email to schmid-thomas at gmx.net .
Give me 1-2 weeks time for a reply. If you did not receive a reply at all, it might be a good idea to check your spam filter.
This is free and open source software. It is made available to you under the terms of the MIT License. It contains thrid party products, refere to Licensing information for more details.