CYPRESS: Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Top-Down Communication Trace Compression
GCC 4.5 or 4.6
LLVM 3.1 and dragenegg 3.1
If you are not using Intel MPI, then there will be some errors about type declaration
cd ./src/static
is built.
cd ./src/dynamic
is built.
For C programs:
clang -c -emit-llvm -I${MPI_DIR}/include main.c -o main.bc
opt -load ${CYPRESS_DIR}/src/static/ -mpi < main.bc > main.o
llc main.o -o main.o.s
${GCC} main.o.s -c -o main.o.o
${GCC} main.o.o -o main -L${CYPRESS_DIR}/src/dynamic -lmpit $(mpicc -show|cut -c5-) -lz
mpirun -np ${nprocs} ./main
For Fortran programs:
${GCC} -fplugin=/path/to/ -S -fplugin-arg-dragonegg-emit-ir -I${MPI_DIR}/include main.f -o main.bc
opt -load ${CYPRESS_DIR}/src/static/ -mpi < main.bc > main.o
llc main.o -o main.o.s
${GFORTRAN} main.o.s -c -o main.o.o
${GFORTRAN} main.o.o -o main -L${CYPRESS_DIR}/src/dynamic -lmpit $(mpicc -show|cut -c5-) -lz
mpirun -np ${nprocs} ./main
Please see ./example/test
, we take an example here.
An example of "intra_compressed_trace_text_000*":
|-branch if id=2, else id=4, total times=1
| 1*T;
| |-p2p id=15, total times=1, sum_time=6, sum_sqr_time=36
| | comm=64,src=0,tag=0,dest=1,times=1,bytes=(15);
|-else id=4
| |-branch if id=5, else id=0, total times=0
| |
| | |-p2p id=12, total times=0, sum_time=0, sum_sqr_time=0
| | |
| |-else id=0
|-loop id=7, total times=5
| 1*5;
| |-branch if id=8, else id=0, total times=5
| | 5*T;
| | |-coll id=40, total times=5, sum_time=155, sum_sqr_time=7757
| | | 5*[comm=64,root=65535,sendbytes=-1,recvbytes=-1; ];
| |-else id=0
J. Zhai, J. Hu, X. Tang, X. Ma and W. Chen, "CYPRESS: Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Top-Down Communication Trace Compression," SC '14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2014, pp. 143-153, doi: 10.1109/SC.2014.17.
To cite CYPRESS, you can use the following BibTeX entry:
author = {Jidong Zhai and
Jianfei Hu and
Xiongchao Tang and
Xiaosong Ma and
Wenguang Chen},
editor = {Trish Damkroger and
Jack J. Dongarra},
title = {{CYPRESS:} Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Top-Down Communication
Trace Compression},
booktitle = {International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis, {SC} 2014, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 16-21,
pages = {143--153},
publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
year = {2014},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/SC.2014.17},
timestamp = {Wed, 16 Oct 2019 14:14:57 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}