OncoScape is a package for gene prioritization in the R statistical programming environment. The analysis is run in a contrast fashion, i.e. always two groups of samples are compared with each other. Examples include:
- tumors vs. normals
- cell lines vs. normals
- treatment responders vs resistant
- samples with mutations in gene X vs wild type
Currently, analyses of five data types are implemented in OncoScape:
- gene expression
- DNA copy number
- DNA methylation
- mutation
- shRNA knock-down data
Aberrations in each gene are called for each data type separately and scored as 0 (no aberration found) or 1 (aberration found). These scores are summed across data types to give the final score. OncoScape differentiates between activating (oncogene-like) and inactivating (tumor suppressor-like) aberrations and calculates independent scores for both directions. It is possible to run the analysis on any combination of these data types.
The analysis proceeds in four steps: 0. data import
- calculate statistics (using "do*Analysis" methods)
- filtering and scoring (using "summarize*" methods)
- plotting of results
Example scripts for putting everything together are:
- TCGA_PAN/SCRIPTS/load_tcga_pancancer_data.r
- TCGA_PAN/SCRIPTS/prioritize_tcga_step1.r
- TCGA_PAN/SCRIPTS/prioritize_tcga_step2.r
- achilles.r: functions to analyze data from Project Achilles (http://www.broadinstitute.org/achilles)
- cnamap.r: functions to analyze copy number data
- compare.r: functions for comparing OncoMap results from two different runs
- expression.r: functions to analyze gene expression data
- methylationmap.r: functions to analyze DNA methylation data
- plotting.r: functions for plotting results
- preprocessTCGA.r: functions for preprocessing data from the TCGA pancancer project
- scoring.r: functions for calculating final scores
- sommut.r: functions to analyze somatic mutation data
- survival.r: functions to analyze survival data (not used at the moment)
- tcga_synapse.r: functions to download TCGA data from Sage Bionetwork's Synapse (www.synapse.org)
- uploadResutlsSynapse.r: functions to upload result files to Synapse
- utils.r: helper functions used by others in this project