notion-caldav connects notion databases with caldav calendars, and synchronizes tasks between them
key: <your secret notion API key>
database_id: <id of the database that stores your tasks>
filter: # example filter, check notion API Reference
property: Sync
equals: true
date_property: <the database property used to set the tasks end date>
priority_property: <if you have a 0-9 priority field in notion you can use it here>
name: <name of your status field>
mapping: # it is only needed if you have a select type status field, otherwise it is considered as a checkbox
NEEDS-ACTION: # you can map multiple custom statuses to ical statuses with a list, the first is the default
- <default to-do status>
- <other to-do status 1>
- <other to-do status 2>
COMPLETED: <done status>
IN-PROCESS: <doing status>
CANCELLED: <cancelled status>
url: <the url of your caldav calendar>
user: <caldav user>
password: <caldav password>
logger: INFO