Xperia Service Menu is an open source Android app which allows owners of a Sony Xperia, to easily open the service menu app via a tap of a button instead of having to type a code into the phone's dialer.
Thushan Perera ([email protected])
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (API level 14) or above
This is a gradle project that can be built with Android Studio.
Feel free to contribute to the project by forking the project and then submit a pull request.
Please help out by submitting any bug you come across to the issue tracker.
A screenshot and a short description on where and when the bug occurs would greatly help us with locating and fixing the bug.
These are the areas of the app that needs more work. If you can see any improvements that can be made, please feel free to contribute!
- User Interface - How to make it look more elegant?
Please ensure that any code that you contribute, conforms to the coding standard defined here.
Xperia Service Menu is licensed under the MIT License.