author: thorsten becker, UT Austin, [email protected]
contains code by Christian Moder - LMU, and "sphere" by Jon Leech
license: gnu public license, no guarantees whatsoever.
WARNING: research code, not well documented nor tested
Contains grd2vtk, grd2vtk_cart and a bunch of awk scripts
gmtpoly2vtk.awk: converts GMT -m polygons to VTK
hypo2vtk.awk: converts lon-lat-z-mag eq data to spheres in VTK
vtk_make_beachball.awk: make VTK beach ball - from Christian Moder
lonlatvevn2vtk.awk: converts ve vn velocities to VTK vectors
grd2vtk and grd2vtk_cart
PURPOSE: convert single or a set of "3D" GMT/netcdf grd files to (e.g. paraview) VTK format
grd2vtk operates on geographic coordinate system, using global or regional grd files. For global grids, it extracts triangular/wedge elements at a given refinement using "sphere" tesselation of the sphere. For regional grids, it uses irregular hexahedrons.
grd2vtk_cart uses Cartesian, regular grids and creates a rectilinear VTK object
INSTALL: 1) unpack tar file
2) place .awk scripts into your $AWKPATH/
3) place scripts
grd2vtk grd2reg grd2inc oneline grd2max grd2absmax lc grd2nx grd2ny
into your script directory (in your $PATH), and make executable
4) type "make" to compile helpers programs
asciiint2bebin asciifloat2bebin sphere
and place those in your $PATH
The first two are for converting integers and floats to big
endian binary format, the latter generates a spherical
tesselation and is copyright by Jon Leech (leech @
5) read and modify the main grd2vtk and grd2vtk_cart scripts
to adjust for the usage of the "sphere" output. the script
assumes you have a bunch of sphere produced coordinates
stored in files already.
USAGE: grd2vtk globaltopo.grd OR grd2vtk_cart dv
see script comments and source for options
- grd2vtk
For global grids, the grd2vtk script uses "sphere" by Jon Leech to generate a set of triangular elements on the surface of the sphere and then GMT grdtrack to extract scalars from the grd files. For regional grids, irregular hexes are extracted. Both data sets are then converted into vtk (either POLYDATA for a single grd, or UNSTRUCTURED_GRID for a set of 3D levels), making output binary big endian (small C programs to do that are included) or ascii.
the idea is that the grd files are geographic but removing -fg in the script should fix the global aspect. this script appears to work for global topography, e.g., or regional and global seismic tomography.
if GMT is installed properly, the script also produces a VTK version of a coast line file.
- grd2vtk_cart
the grd2vtk_cart script relaxes the geographic assumption, and assumes that the grd files are Cartesian and creates a rectilinear vtk grid. it only works for sets of grds, not a single grid.
please read through the scripts to work out what they do, i don't have time right now to make this more user-friendly and documented. the script will have to be modified wrt. to the location of sphere's output, or the file I/O has to be replaced with a call to sphere on the fly.
if anyone finds this useful and fixes bugs or adds documentation, i'd appreciate an updated version.
hope this is helpful