This is a simple interpreter for
The interpreter supports parsing, type inference, evaluation, and printing.
Make sure you have stack installed.
Build the interpreter:
stack build
Run the interpreter with a given file using the following command:
stack exec lambdaSC-exe inputFileName
For example, running stack exec lambdaSC-exe test/
gives the following output:
7 statements found
f : ∀a:Eff. Int -> Int ! a
g : ∀a:Eff. Int -> Int ! a
concatMap : ∀a:*. ∀b:*. ∀c:Eff. List a -> ((a -> List b ! c) -> List b ! c) ! c
hND : ∀a:*. ∀b:Eff. a ! <fail; choose | b> => List a ! b
Int ! a
List List Char ! a
List List Char ! a
["heads", "tails"]
["heads", "tails"]
There are three main directories:
: source code of the interpreterContext.hs
: context definition and managementSyntax.hs
: syntax definition and auxiliary functionsEvaluation.hs
: implementation of the operational semanticsTypeInference.hs
: implementation of the type inference algorithmSubstitution.hs
: substitution for the type inferenceLexer.hs
: lexerParser.hs
: parserPrettyPrinter.hs
: pretty printer
: main programMain.hs
: the main program for running the interpreter
: 𝝺sc
: an introduction file to the syntax (the syntax supported by the interpreter is slightly different from the paper)
: nondeterminism withonce
(paper Section 2 and 3)
: forwarding for the handler ofinc
(paper Section 7)
: exceptions (paper Section 9.1)
: reader with local (paper Section 9.2)
: nondeterminism withcut
(paper Section 9.3)
: depth-Bounded Search (paper Section 9.4)
: parser (paper Section 9.5)
: local state
We propose to evaluate the artifact by running stack exec lambdaSC-exe inputFileName
and replacing inputFileName
with each file name in the test
directory. This will show the results of all non-trivial examples appearing in the paper.
The correspondence between examples in the paper and test files is shown as follows:
contains some examples in Section 2 and 3 that use non-determinism andonce
contains the examples in Section 7 including both the problematic and correct implementations of forwarding for the handler ofinc
contains the examples in Section 9.1 including catch as a handler and catch as a scoped effecttest/
contains the examples in Section 9.2 including local as a handler and local as a scoped effecttest/
contains the examples in Section 9.3test/
contains the examples in Section 9.4test/
contains the examples in Section 9.5