A java (Spring CLI) based tool to monitor a single SolarMax inverter and a single SMA inverter and upload the statistics to PVOutput
How to build
Min requirements: Java 11 and Maven
Build using maven: mvn clean package
How to run
Copy the jar to any folder you like. In the same folder add an application.yml
with the 2 values from the PVOutput api:
apiKey: <your apikey>
Go to the designated folder and run (on a machine running java11 or later:
java -jar SolarMaxPVOutput.jar
Default the client wil look for the SolarMax inverter on
you can override these settings by adding to the application.yml
clientIp: <inverter ip>
clientPort: <inverter port>
pvOutputSystemId: <your system id>
Default the client wil look for the SMA inverter on
you can override these settings by adding to the application.yml
host: <inverter ip>
password: <inverter user password>
pvOutputSystemId: <your system id>
Other properties you can override:
request: # The request list to send to the inverter
- UL1
cron: '0 0/5 6-23 * * *' # the cron for requesting information from the inverter (now every 5 minutes between 6-23)
right: (usr/istl)
cron: '0 0/5 6-23 * * *' # the cron for requesting information from the inverter (now every 5 minutes between 6-23)
host: https://pvoutput.org
cron: '5 0/1 6-23 * * *' # the cron for sendin information to pvoutput (now every 2 minutes between 6-23)
logging: # logging config
path: logs # the directory relative to the 'root' of the application
file: ${logging.path}/solarmax.log # logfile name (+directory)
pattern.file: '%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n' # logfile pattern