Access the folder docker.
cd docker
You can up thus, execute the command:
Set version the PHP
./ php73
If you want to down all containers. Access folder docker, and execute command:
You need to have in your computer docker, and docker-composer
Configuration site-enabled, execute this command:
./ --ngnix-server-name
We have PHPCS and PHPCBF. To configure in vs code, below is cofiguration the file (.vscode/settings.json).
"phpsab.executablePathCS": "/storage/.docker/",
"phpsab.executablePathCBF": "/storage/.docker/"
- Use port 9001
- xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM
User: root
Password: put in .env
Host: localhost
Put your backup in dumps/. Execute:
./ --restore-db
When finish, command will delete your files in dumps/.
- CONTAINER_USER=ttescaro -> User the container
- DB_PASSWORD=mudar@123 -> Password the mysql. If database exist, change the password in the MYSQL
- RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=guest -> Username RabbitMQ
- RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=guest -> Password RabbitMQ
- DIRECTORY_PROJECTS=../../ -> Directory projects that you will clone or create. Default is same folder as docker folder
./ --ngnix-server-name will create configuration ngnix, but You need to add you host of project in you hosts the your Operation System. The linux or WSL the windows, the file is /etc/hosts