Zabbix scripts to monitor CPU, memory and I/O of docker containers.
For each Docker Host running a zabbix agent do:
- Configure zabbix-agent like the following. Replace $ZABBIX_HOME with the path of your Zabbix Agent (e.g. /etc/zabbix)
Add docker-zabbix/scripts files to $ZABBIX_HOME/scripts and make sure all scripts are executable (chmod +x)
Add docker-zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/user-parameters.conf file to $ZABBIX_HOME/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ directory.
Start some docker containers
At Zabbix Server do:
Import docker-zabbix/template/docker-zabbix-template.xml to your Zabbix Server
Link the template to Docker Hosts