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Laravel Money

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Note: This project abstracts MoneyPHP


Run the following command from you terminal:

composer require cknow/laravel-money

or add this to require section in your composer.json file:

"cknow/laravel-money": "^7.0"

then run composer update


use Cknow\Money\Money;

echo Money::USD(500); // $5.00
echo Money::USD(500, true); // $500.00 force decimals


The defaults are set in config/money.php. Copy this file to your own config directory to modify the values. You can publish the config using this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cknow\Money\MoneyServiceProvider"

This is the contents of the published file:

return [
     | Laravel money
    'locale' => config('app.locale', 'en_US'),
    'defaultCurrency' => config('app.currency', 'USD'),
    'defaultFormatter' => null,
    'currencies' => [
        'iso' => ['RUB', 'USD', 'EUR'],  // 'all' to choose all ISOCurrencies
        'bitcoin' => ['XBT'], // 'all' to choose all BitcoinCurrencies
        'custom' => [
            'MY1' => 2,
            'MY2' => 3

Advanced Usage

See MoneyPHP for more information

use Cknow\Money\Money;

Money::USD(500)->add(Money::USD(500)); // $10.00
Money::USD(500)->add(Money::USD(500), Money::USD(500)); // $15.00
Money::USD(500)->subtract(Money::USD(400)); // $1.00
Money::USD(500)->subtract(Money::USD(200), Money::USD(100)); // $2.00
Money::USD(500)->multiply(2); // $10.00
Money::USD(1000)->divide(2); // $5.00
Money::USD(830)->mod(Money::USD(300)); // $2.30 -> Money::USD(230)
Money::USD(-500)->absolute(); // $5.00
Money::USD(500)->negative(); // $-5.00
Money::USD(30)->ratioOf(Money::USD(2)); // 15
Money::USD(500)->isSameCurrency(Money::USD(100)); // true
Money::USD(500)->equals(Money::USD(500)); // true
Money::USD(500)->greaterThan(Money::USD(100)); // true
Money::USD(500)->greaterThanOrEqual(Money::USD(500)); // true
Money::USD(500)->lessThan(Money::USD(1000)); // true
Money::USD(500)->lessThanOrEqual(Money::USD(500)); // true
Money::USD(500)->isZero(); // false
Money::USD(500)->isPositive(); // true
Money::USD(500)->isNegative(); // false
Money::USD(500)->getMoney(); // Instance of \Money\Money
Money::isValidCurrency('USD'); // true
Money::isValidCurrency('FAIL'); // false
Money::getISOCurrencies(); // Load ISO currencies

// Aggregation
Money::min(Money::USD(100), Money::USD(200), Money::USD(300)); // Money::USD(100)
Money::max(Money::USD(100), Money::USD(200), Money::USD(300)); // Money::USD(300)
Money::avg(Money::USD(100), Money::USD(200), Money::USD(300)); // Money::USD(200)
Money::sum(Money::USD(100), Money::USD(200), Money::USD(300)); // Money::USD(600)

// Formatters
Money::USD(500)->format(); // $5.00
Money::USD(199)->format(null, null, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL); // 1,99
Money::XBT(41000000)->formatByBitcoin(); // \xC9\x830.41
Money::USD(500)->formatByCurrencySymbol(); // $5.00
Money::USD(500)->formatByCurrencySymbol(true); // 5.00$
Money::USD(500)->formatByDecimal(); // 5.00
Money::USD(500)->formatByIntl(); // $5.00
Money::USD(199)->formatByIntl(null, null, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL); // 1,99
Money::USD(500)->formatByIntlLocalizedDecimal(); // $5.00
Money::USD(199)->formatByIntlLocalizedDecimal(null, null, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL) // 1.99

// Parsers
Money::parse('$1.00'); // Money::USD(100)
Money::parseByBitcoin("\xC9\x830.41"); // Money::XBT(41000000)
Money::parseByDecimal('1.00', 'USD'); // Money::USD(100)
Money::parseByIntl('$1.00'); // Money::USD(100)
Money::parseByIntlLocalizedDecimal('1.00', 'USD'); // Money::USD(100)

Create your formatter

class MyFormatter implements \Money\MoneyFormatter
    public function format(\Money\Money $money)
        return 'My Formatter';

Money::USD(500)->formatByFormatter(new MyFormatter()); // My Formatter


Below is a list of all available validation rules and their function:


The field under validation must be a valid currency.

  'currency1' => 'USD',
  'currency2' => 'EUR',
  'currency3' => new \Money\Currency('BRL'),
], [
  'currency1' => new \Cknow\Money\Rules\Currency(),
  'currency2' => new \Cknow\Money\Rules\Currency(),
  'currency3' => 'currency',


The field under validation must be a valid money.

  'money1' => '$10.00'
  'money2' => '€10.00',
  'money3' => 'R$10,00',
  'money4' => '$10.00'
  'money5' => '€10.00',
  'money6' => 'R$10,00',
], [
  'money1' => new \Cknow\Money\Rules\Money(),
  'money2' => new \Cknow\Money\Rules\Money('EUR'), // forcing currency
  'money3' => new \Cknow\Money\Rules\Money('BRL', 'pt_BR'), // forcing currency and locale
  'money4' => 'money',
  'money5' => 'money:EUR', // forcing currency
  'money6' => 'money:BRL,pt_BR', // forcing currency and locale


At this stage the cast can be defined in the following ways:

use Cknow\Money\Casts\MoneyDecimalCast;
use Cknow\Money\Casts\MoneyIntegerCast;
use Cknow\Money\Casts\MoneyStringCast;

protected $casts = [
    // cast money as decimal using the currency defined in the package config
    'money' => MoneyDecimalCast::class,
    // cast money as integer using the defined currency
    'money' => MoneyIntegerCast::class . ':AUD',
    // cast money as string using the currency defined in the model attribute 'currency'
    'money' => MoneyStringCast::class . ':currency',
    // cast money as decimal using the defined currency and forcing decimals
    'money' => MoneyDecimalCast::class . ':USD,true',

In the example above, if the model attribute currency is null, the currency defined in the package configuration is used instead.

Setting money can be done in several ways:

$model->money = 10; // 10.00 USD or any other currency defined
$model->money = 10.23; // 10.23 USD or any other currency defined
$model->money = 'A$10'; // 10.00 AUD
$model->money = '1,000.23'; // 1000.23 USD or any other currency defined
$model->money = '10'; // 0.10 USD or any other currency defined
$model->money = Money::EUR(10); // 10 EUR

When we pass the model attribute holding the currency, such attribute is updated as well when setting money:

$model->currency; // null
$model->money = '€13';
$model->currency; // 'EUR'
$model->money->getAmount(); // '1300'


currency() // To use default currency present in `config/money.php`
money(500); // To use default currency present in `config/money.php`
money(500, 'USD');

// Aggregation
money_min(money(100, 'USD'), money(200, 'USD'), money(300, 'USD')); // Money::USD(100)
money_max(money(100, 'USD'), money(200, 'USD'), money(300, 'USD')); // Money::USD(300)
money_avg(money(100, 'USD'), money(200, 'USD'), money(300, 'USD')); // Money::USD(200)
money_sum(money(100, 'USD'), money(200, 'USD'), money(300, 'USD')); // Money::USD(600)

// Parsers
money_parse('$5.00'); // Money::USD(500)
money_parse_by_bitcoin("\xC9\x830.41"); // Money::XBT(41000000)
money_parse_by_decimal('1.00', 'USD'); // Money::USD(100)
money_parse_by_intl('$1.00'); // Money::USD(100)
money_parse_by_intl_localized_decimal('1.00', 'USD'); // Money::USD(100)

Blade Extensions

@currency() // To use default currency present in `config/money.php`
@money(500) // To use default currency present in `config/money.php`
@money(500, 'USD')

// Aggregation
@money_min(@money(100, 'USD'), @money(200, 'USD'), @money(300, 'USD')) // Money::USD(100)
@money_max(@money(100, 'USD'), @money(200, 'USD'), @money(300, 'USD')) // Money::USD(300)
@money_avg(@money(100, 'USD'), @money(200, 'USD'), @money(300, 'USD')) // Money::USD(200)
@money_sum(@money(100, 'USD'), @money(200, 'USD'), @money(300, 'USD')) // Money::USD(600)

// Parsers
@money_parse('$5.00') // Money::USD(500)
@money_parse_by_bitcoin("\xC9\x830.41") // Money::XBT(41000000)
@money_parse_by_decimal('1.00', 'USD') // Money::USD(100)
@money_parse_by_intl('$1.00') // Money::USD(100)
@money_parse_by_intl_localized_decimal('1.00', 'USD') // Money::USD(100)


Laravel Money.







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