tikz_export is a tool to generate the pdf/eps/svg files from the latex tikz diagrams.
- download/clone the scripts into a folder, then run
$ sudo pip install -e .
- to generate the pdf files from all the tikzpictures
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f pdf
- to generate the eps files with -f option
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f eps
- change the output filename with -o option
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f eps -o myfile
- then the output filenames will be myfile0.eps, myfile1.eps, etc.
- only process the nth image with -n option. For example, to keep the first tikzpicture only
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f eps -n 0
- only keep the tikzpictures with specific output filenames
set the output filename in latex file. To define the filename, add a line before \begin{tikzpicture}, which starts with "%%% ", e.g.,
%%% mypicture \begin{tikzpicture} .. \end{tikzpicture}
then you can choose to generate that picture only,
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f eps --fig mypicture
it also supports wildcard character
$ tikz_export basic.tex -f eps --fig *my*
- it will process all the pictures with my in theirs output filenames.