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yaxu committed Apr 12, 2024
1 parent 5effc5c commit 12055a7
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 61 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion BootTidal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
:set prompt ""

import Sound.Tidal.Context
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Stepwise as S

import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Context.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Sound.Tidal.Pattern as C
import Sound.Tidal.Scales as C
import Sound.Tidal.Show as C
import Sound.Tidal.Simple as C
import Sound.Tidal.Stepwise as C
import Sound.Tidal.Stream as C
import Sound.Tidal.Transition as C
import Sound.Tidal.UI as C
Expand Down
120 changes: 60 additions & 60 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stepwise.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,77 +22,77 @@ module Sound.Tidal.Stepwise where
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import qualified Sound.Tidal.Core as T
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Pattern as T
import qualified Sound.Tidal.UI as T
import Sound.Tidal.Core
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.UI (while)

cat :: [T.Pattern a] -> T.Pattern a
cat pats = T.timecat $ map (\pat -> (fromMaybe 1 $ T.tactus pat, pat)) pats
stepcat :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
stepcat pats = timecat $ map (\pat -> (fromMaybe 1 $ tactus pat, pat)) pats

_add :: Rational -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
_stepadd :: Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
-- raise error?
_add _ pat@(T.Pattern _ Nothing _) = pat
_add r pat@(T.Pattern _ (Just t) _)
| r == 0 = T.nothing
_stepadd _ pat@(Pattern _ Nothing _) = pat
_stepadd r pat@(Pattern _ (Just t) _)
| r == 0 = nothing
| (abs r) >= t = pat
| r < 0 = T.zoom (1-((abs r)/t),1) pat
| otherwise = T.zoom (0, (r/t)) pat
| r < 0 = zoom (1-((abs r)/t),1) pat
| otherwise = zoom (0, (r/t)) pat

add :: T.Pattern Rational -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
add = T.tParam _add
stepadd :: Pattern Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
stepadd = tParam _stepadd

_sub :: Rational -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
_sub _ pat@(T.Pattern _ Nothing _) = pat
_sub r pat@(T.Pattern _ (Just t) _) | r >= t = T.nothing
| r < 0 = _add (0- (t+r)) pat
| otherwise = _add (t-r) pat
_stepsub :: Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_stepsub _ pat@(Pattern _ Nothing _) = pat
_stepsub r pat@(Pattern _ (Just t) _) | r >= t = nothing
| r < 0 = _stepadd (0- (t+r)) pat
| otherwise = _stepadd (t-r) pat

sub :: T.Pattern Rational -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
sub = T.tParam _sub
stepsub :: Pattern Rational -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
stepsub = tParam _stepsub

when :: T.Pattern Bool -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
when patb f pat@(T.Pattern _ (Just t) _) = T.while (T._steps t patb) f pat
stepwhen :: Pattern Bool -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
stepwhen patb f pat@(Pattern _ (Just t) _) = while (_steps t patb) f pat
-- TODO raise exception?
when _ _ pat = pat

-- _lastof :: Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
-- _lastof i f pat | i <= 1 = pat
-- | otherwise = when (fastcat $ map pure $ (replicate (i-1) False) ++ [True]) f pat

_lastof :: Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
_lastof n f pat | n <= 1 = pat
| otherwise = T._fast t $ cat $ reverse $ (f $ head cycles):tail cycles
where cycles = reverse $ T.separateCycles n $ T._slow t pat
t = fromMaybe 1 $ T.tactus pat

lastof :: T.Pattern Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
lastof (T.Pattern _ _ (Just i)) f pat = _lastof i f pat
lastof tp f p = T.innerJoin $ (\t -> _lastof t f p) <$> tp

_firstof :: Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
_firstof n f pat | n <= 1 = pat
| otherwise = T._fast t $ cat $ (f $ head cycles):tail cycles
where cycles = T.separateCycles n $ T._slow t pat
t = fromMaybe 1 $ T.tactus pat

firstof :: T.Pattern Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
firstof (T.Pattern _ _ (Just i)) f pat = _firstof i f pat
firstof tp f p = T.innerJoin $ (\t -> _firstof t f p) <$> tp

every :: T.Pattern Int -> (T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a) -> T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
every = firstof

-- | Like @taper@, but returns a list of repetitions
taperlist :: T.Pattern a -> [T.Pattern a]
taperlist pat@(T.Pattern _ (Just t) _) = pat : map (\r -> _sub r pat) [1 .. t]
stepwhen _ _ pat = pat

-- _steplastof :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
-- _steplastof i f pat | i <= 1 = pat
-- | otherwise = stepwhen (fastcat $ map pure $ (replicate (i-1) False) ++ [True]) f pat

_steplastof :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_steplastof n f pat | n <= 1 = pat
| otherwise = _fast t $ stepcat $ reverse $ (f $ head cycles):tail cycles
where cycles = reverse $ separateCycles n $ _slow t pat
t = fromMaybe 1 $ tactus pat

steplastof :: Pattern Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
steplastof (Pattern _ _ (Just i)) f pat = _steplastof i f pat
steplastof tp f p = innerJoin $ (\t -> _steplastof t f p) <$> tp

_stepfirstof :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_stepfirstof n f pat | n <= 1 = pat
| otherwise = _fast t $ stepcat $ (f $ head cycles):tail cycles
where cycles = separateCycles n $ _slow t pat
t = fromMaybe 1 $ tactus pat

stepfirstof :: Pattern Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
stepfirstof (Pattern _ _ (Just i)) f pat = _stepfirstof i f pat
stepfirstof tp f p = innerJoin $ (\t -> _stepfirstof t f p) <$> tp

stepevery :: Pattern Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
stepevery = stepfirstof

-- | Like @steptaper@, but returns a list of repetitions
steptaperlist :: Pattern a -> [Pattern a]
steptaperlist pat@(Pattern _ (Just t) _) = pat : map (\r -> _stepsub r pat) [1 .. t]
-- TODO exception?
taperlist pat = [pat]
steptaperlist pat = [pat]

-- | Plays one fewer from the pattern each repetition, down to nothing
taper :: T.Pattern a -> T.Pattern a
taper = cat . taperlist
-- | Plays one fewer step from the pattern each repetition, down to nothing
steptaper :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
steptaper = stepcat . steptaperlist

-- | Successively plays a pattern from each group in turn
alt :: [[T.Pattern a]] -> T.Pattern a
alt groups = cat $ concat $ take (c * length groups) $ transpose $ map cycle groups
stepalt :: [[Pattern a]] -> Pattern a
stepalt groups = stepcat $ concat $ take (c * length groups) $ transpose $ map cycle groups
where c = foldl1 lcm $ map length groups

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