Command | Description |
/setspawn |
Sets spawn location to sender's current location. |
/spawn |
Teleports sender to spawn location. |
/setwarp |
Sets warp location to sender's current location. |
/delwarp |
Deletes a warp location. |
/warps |
Shows a list of all available warps. |
/warp |
Teleports sender to warp location. |
/sethome |
Sets home location to sender's current location. |
/delhome |
Deletes a home location. |
/homes |
Shows a list of sender's homes. |
/home |
Teleports sender to home location. |
/rules |
Shows a list of rules. |
/fly |
Toggles sender's fly mode. |
/gamemode |
Changes sender's gamemode. |
/gm |
Changes sender's gamemode. |
/teleport |
Teleports sender to a player. |
/tp |
Teleports sender to a player. |
/tpa |
Requests teleport approve to a player. |
/tpaccept |
Accepts teleport request from a player. |
/tpdeny |
Denies teleport request from a player. |
/tppos |
Teleports sender to a location |
/pvp |
Toggles pvp for sender. |
/help |
Shows a list of all available survival commands. |
Permission | Description |
survival.* |
Grants access to all survival plugin features. |
survival.bypass.* |
Grants bypass to everything. |
survival.bypass.waiting |
Bypasses teleportation waiting time. |
survival.bypass.homelimit |
Bypasses maximum amount of homes. |
survival.command.* |
Grants access to all commands. |
survival.command.setspawn |
Grants access to the /setspawn command. |
survival.command.spawn |
Grants access to the /spawn command. |
survival.command.setwarp |
Grants access to the /setwarp command. |
survival.command.delwarp |
Grants access to the /delwarp command. |
survival.command.warps |
Grants access to the /warps command. |
survival.command.warp |
Grants access to the /warp command. |
survival.command.sethome |
Grants access to the /sethome command. |
survival.command.delhome |
Grants access to the /delhome command. | |
Grants access to the /homes command. |
survival.command.home |
Grants access to the /home command. |
survival.command.rules |
Grants access to the /rules command. | |
Grants access to the /fly command. |
survival.command.gamemode |
Grants access to the /gamemode command. |
survival.command.teleport |
Grants access to the /teleport command. |
survival.command.tpa |
Grants access to the /tpa command. |
survival.command.tpaccept |
Grants access to the /tpaccept command. |
survival.command.tpdeny |
Grants access to the /tpdeny command. |
survival.command.tppos |
Grants access to the /tppos command. |
survival.command.pvp |
Grants access to the /pvp command. | |
Grants access to the /help command. |