Interprets bytes as packed binary data. This addon performs conversions between J values and C structs represented as bytes (J literals). Structs are unpacked into an inverted table format with the appropriate type conversion applied.
uses Format Strings as compact descriptions of the layout of the C structs and the intended conversion to J values. The definition of these format strings and other ideas are borrowed from the Python Standard Library struct.
The addon reads data from and writes data to structs.
To install addon, from a J session:
install 'github:tikkanz/data_struct'
require 'data/struct'
coinsert 'struct'
ANIMAL_fmt=: '3i6H2h4f'
ANIMAL_flds=: ;:'anml_id sire_id dam_id breed dvalue yob origin sirecode sex inbreed hol prop_hf prop_jer prop_ayr prop_other'
ANIMAL=: ANIMAL_fmt; <ANIMAL_flds NB. Struct definition
BoxedFields=: unpackFile ANIMAL;'~addons/data/struct/test/ANIMAL_lend_sample.bin'
,.&.> BoxedFields
|27894738| 0|25262378|1|13496|110|0|0|2| 0|3852|0.96875|0.03125|0|0|
|27894739| 0|25042174|1|13363|110|0|0|2| 0|2509| 1| 0|0|0|
|27894740|23951759|24752752|9|20340|110|0|0|2|108|3085| 0.6875| 0.3125|0|0|
|27894741|25330663|25169873|9|20557|110|0|0|2| 1|2753| 0.4375| 0.5625|0|0|
|27894742|24271748|25302049|9|20373|110|0|0|2| 34|2648| 0.5| 0.5|0|0|
|27894744|21081485|22629000|9|20200|110|0|0|2| 54|4492| 0.6875| 0.3125|0|0|
|27894746|21199238|18282448|1|20766|110|0|0|2|155|5781| 1| 0|0|0|
|27894747|24119815|25054316|9|20069|110|0|0|2| 0| 458| 0.4375| 0.5625|0|0|
|27894748|18392104|23470741|1|20134|110|0|0|2| 86|5742| 0.875| 0.125|0|0|
|27894749|20995004|25090535|9|20282|110|0|0|2|125|2207| 0.375| 0.625|0|0|
(fread 'test/ANIMAL_lend_sample.bin') -: , pack ANIMAL;<BoxedFields NB. recreate binary
To use in conjunction with a Dataframe addon:
require 'tables/dataframe'
coinsert 'pdataframe'
Dataframe=: unpackFile toDataframe ANIMAL;'~addons/data/struct/test/ANIMAL_lend_sample.bin'
dfShow Dataframe
│anml_id │sire_id │dam_id │breed│dvalue│yob│origin│sirecode│sex│inbreed│hol │prop_hf│prop_jer│prop_ayr│prop_other│
│27894738│ 0│25262378│1 │13496 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 0 │3852│0.96875│0.03125 │0 │0 │
│27894739│ 0│25042174│1 │13363 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 0 │2509│ 1│ 0 │0 │0 │
│27894740│23951759│24752752│9 │20340 │110│0 │0 │2 │108 │3085│ 0.6875│ 0.3125 │0 │0 │
│27894741│25330663│25169873│9 │20557 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 1 │2753│ 0.4375│ 0.5625 │0 │0 │
│27894742│24271748│25302049│9 │20373 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 34 │2648│ 0.5│ 0.5 │0 │0 │
│27894744│21081485│22629000│9 │20200 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 54 │4492│ 0.6875│ 0.3125 │0 │0 │
│27894746│21199238│18282448│1 │20766 │110│0 │0 │2 │155 │5781│ 1│ 0 │0 │0 │
│27894747│24119815│25054316│9 │20069 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 0 │ 458│ 0.4375│ 0.5625 │0 │0 │
│27894748│18392104│23470741│1 │20134 │110│0 │0 │2 │ 86 │5742│ 0.875│ 0.125 │0 │0 │
│27894749│20995004│25090535│9 │20282 │110│0 │0 │2 │125 │2207│ 0.375│ 0.625 │0 │0 │