Youtube Video That Explains it All
In this repository, you will learn how to get paid courses for Free and without any effort, here is a photo from my personal account on Udemy that shows the number of courses (Paid courses) that I enroll in for free
Dowmload geckodriver Unzip the file after downloading and copy the exe file to the path of Python program
sometimes python path will be:
C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38
Download 'Selenium' or 'requirements.txt (it's the same thing honey)
Open your cmd by press (Win + R) and write "cmd" and paste this line:
pip install selenium
Google Chrome Extensions (Needed)
You need to keep the ( & (links.txt) in the same folder. The method is simply as follows:
you will collect links from one of the websites below then open all the links in one chrome window and use (OneTap) extension to join all the links together in one tap, you can now copy all the links at once and paste it into the links.txt file and go up in the path bar click their and write "cmd" and then press Enter, now we will use the tool
write in the cmd window
python Email Password
Email = your Udemy Email
Password = your password