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A Basic Social Media Web App


The goal of this web application is to get practice with developing MERNG tech and to use the finished application as product to test against. There will be 4 branches in this repo as follows:

  • main - the base application
  • jest - contains jest-based unit tests
  • rtl - contains React Test Library built tests
  • cypress - contains Cypress end-to-end tests

Built with

  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose ORM
  • Node.js
  • Apollo Server
  • GraphQL
  • React
  • Semantic UI
  • Docker / Docker Compose

Develop with Docker Compose

  1. Clone project & install dependencies:

$ git clone [email protected]:tim-corley/mern-social-app.git

$ cd mern-social-app/server && yarn install

$ cd mern-social-app/client && yarn install

  1. Create an .env file at project root & add the following variables in order to initialize the database:
  1. Within the server/ directory, create a config.js file and add the following in order to initialize the server:
   const DB_HOST = '<mongo-container-name>';
   const DB_PORT = 27017;
   const DB_USER = '<my_user>';
   const DB_PASS = '<my_pwd>';
   const DB_NAME = '<db_name>';
   const JWT_SECRET = '<random-key>';

   module.exports = {
   MONGODB: `mongodb://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}?authSource=admin`,
   SERVER_PORT: 5000,

Note that is it important here to have DB_HOST exactly match the mongo service containter name (set in docker-compose.yml). Also, be sure that DB_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASS, & DB_NAME match the values used for the docker-compose.yml mongo service config (specifically, ports & environment)

  1. Start Containers (DB, Server, Client):

$ docker-compose up --build

Docker Compose is using volumes for all containers in order to enable hot-reloading & data persistence.

  1. Stop & Remove Containers:

$ docker-compose down

  1. Explore the database with Mongo Shell

    A) Get container id:

    $ docker ps

    B) Access (running) container's shell:

    $ docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

    C) Start Mongo Shell (pass in username used in docker-compose file):

    root@84f9e1a69db9:/# mongo --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "<root_user>" -p

    D) Interact with database:

    > show dbs
    admin       0.000GB
    config      0.000GB
    local       0.000GB
    social-app  0.000GB
    > use social-app
    switched to db social-app
    > show collections
    > db.users.find().pretty()

Development (Non-Docker)

  1. Start Mongod instance:

  2. $ sudo mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb

  3. Connect with Mongo Shell:

  4. $ mongo --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "adminAccount" -p

  5. Create a new database for the project and add an admin user:

    > use social-app
    switched to db social-app
    > db.createUser(
    ... {
    ...  user: "newuser",
    ...  pwd: "awesomepwd",
    ...  roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ]
    ... }
    ... )
    Successfully added user: { "user" : "newuser", "roles" : [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] }
  6. Start the development server:

    $ nodemon index.js


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