The Timed C E2E is a pragmatic toolchain that takes as input a Timed C program and performs temporal (schedulability and sensitivity) analysis on the program. The Timed C E2E toolchain integrates :
- KTC source-to-source compiler: A source to source compiler for compiling Timed C program to target specific C code.
- Schedulability test tool : A tool that performs schedulability tests for sets of non-preemptive jobs.
- Sensitivity analysis tool : A tool that computes the weakly hard constraint of a system w.r.t WCET margins.
The Timed C E2E toolchain takes as input a Timed C program and does the following steps in order:
- KTC Profiling : performs measurement-based WCET estimations using the KTC profiler. The KTC profiler is an extension of the KTC compiler. It takes as input a Timed C program and generates an instrumented C program. It then automatically compiles this instrumented C code and calculates the WCET. It uses this information to generate input for the next step.
- Schedulability Test : uses this estimates to perform schedulability test. The tool also supports uniprocessor analysis with abort actions, which forcefully stops and discards a job's execution at its deadline.
- Sensitivity Analysis : based on the ouput from the previous step it performs temporal sensitivity analysis. It calculates the maximum scaling factor and M for a given k
- Timed C :: S. Natarajan and D. Broman, “Timed C : An Extension to the C Programming Language for Real-Time System”, In 2018 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). IEEE, 2018.
- Schedulability Test :: M. Nasri and B. Brandenburg, “An Exact and Sustainable Analysis of Non-Preemptive Scheduling” , Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2017), pp. 12–23, December 2017. M. Nasri, G. Nelissen, and B. Brandenburg, “A Response-Time Analysis for Non-Preemptive Job Sets under Global Scheduling”, Proceedings of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018), pp. 9:1–9:23, July 2018.
The Timed C e2e toolchain runs in a Vagrant environment. This makes the e2e toochain portable across different operating systems. This document describe how to install the e2e toolchain using Vagrant. This Vagrant setup is known to work on Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows machines.
Install Vagrant
Go to the link below (Vagrant website) and follow the instructions to install Vagrant
Download Timed C E2E repo
Go to the link below (E2E on github) and clone the E2E repository.
Enter the working directory and fetch submodules
cd end-to-end-toolchain git submodule init git submodule update
If you get a error on update please use the below command
git submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote
Install E2E using Vagrant
Execute the following command. This usually takes a few minutes to complete.
vagrant up
SSH to the Vagrant environment
Use the below command to work on the E2E toolchain environment.
vagrant ssh
Install KTC
cd /vagrant sh cd /vagrant/ktc eval $(opam config env) && make cd ..
Export path to E2E
Use the following command to export path to e2e command.
export PATH=/vagrant/bin:$PATH
List all currently available e2e commands
Type the following on command-line.
This will display the following
E2E - KTH's Timed C source-to-source compiler and end-to-end toolchain. usage: e2e <command> [<args>] [<options>] commands: compile Performs source-to-source transformation of Timed C program wcet Outputs the instrumented source-to-source transformed C program. help Prints out help about commands. sens Performs sensitivity analysis. Run 'e2e help <command>' to get help for a specific command.
To get help for a command, use e2e help <command>
. For example, kta help compile
will display all options accepted by compile command.
We will compile a simple Timed C program posix_example.c
available in /vagrant/examples
We start with explaning the e2e compile
command. Typing e2e help compile
displays the following
E2E - KTH's Timed C source-to-source compiler and end-to-end toolchain.
Usage: e2e compile [<files>] [<options>]
Compile Timed C file to target specific C file.
--posix Compile Timed C code for POSIX compliant platform.
--static-analysis{KTA, OTAWA} <name of file>
Perform WCET computation of code fragments with hard deadline using the specified static analysis tool. Currently supported arguments are either OTAWA or KTA. Here, <name of file> is the file containing definition of function with hard deadline
--freertos Compile Timed C code for freeRTOS platform
--exec Compiles the Timed C file and outputs the executable
--compiler <path_to_compiler>
Path to cross compiler.
--run Compile and run
--runtime Compile and run with runtime monitoring
--runtime-calculation Compile and generate executable to compute execution time for runtime monitoring
--save <path_to_temp_folder>
Specify path to folder to save generated files
--testing Only supports testing log generation for runtime monitoring
To compile posix_example.c
we run the following command. Note that the tool will save the source-to-source transformed Timed C in temp/
(as temp is given as arguement to the --save
e2e compile /vagrant/examples/posix_example.c --save temp --posix
To compile and generate executable we run the following command with --exec
option. The toolchain will create a.out
in the current folder.
e2e compile /vagrant/examples/posix_example.c --posix --exec
To compile and run posix_example.c
we execute the following command with --run
option. Note that the use of option --save
will save the source-to-source transformed Timed C in temp/
e2e compile /vagrant/examples/posix_example.c --save temp --posix --run
We will compile a simple Timed C program profile_example.c
available in /vagrant/examples
We start with explaning the e2e wcet
command. Typing e2e help wcet
E2E - KTH's Timed C source-to-source compiler and end-to-end toolchain.
Usage: e2e wcet [<files>] [<options>]
Outputs instrumented C file for WCET computation.
--posix Generate instrumented code for POSIX compliant platform.
--freertos Generate instrumented code for freeRTOS platform.
--timing-param Complete timing traces is generated on execution of timing trace.
--timing-trace Traces are generated with parameters.
--iter <value> Number of iterations the instrumented program executes.
--exec Compiles the Timed C file and outputs the executable.
--compiler <path_to_compiler>
Path to cross compiler.
--run Compile and run.
--save <path_to_temp_folder>
Specify path to folder to save generated files
To compile and generate instrumented code using a buffer based implementation of e2e. We execute the following command with --timing-param
option. Note that the use of option --save
will save the source-to-source transformed Timed C in temp/
e2e wcet /vagrant/examples/profile_example.c --save temp --posix --timing-param
To compile and generate the instrumented executable of profile_example.c
using a buffer based implementation of e2e, we execute the following command with --exec
option. The toolchain will create a.out
in the current folder.
e2e wcet /vagrant/examples/profile_example.c --posix --timing-param --exec
To generate measurement-based trace of profile_example.c
, we execute the following command with --run
option. The generated traces with extension *.ktc.trace
and are saved in the current directory
e2e wcet /vagrant/examples/profile_example.c --posix --timing-param --run
We will perform sensitivity analysis of the example.c
available in /vagrant/examples/example-sens
folder. Note that the traces for this file is available in the same directory.
We start with explaning the e2e sens
command. Typing e2e help sense
E2E - KTH's Timed C source-to-source compiler and end-to-end toolchain.
Usage: e2e sens [<files>] [<options>]
Performs sensitivity analysis.
--trace-format{param, trace}
Specifies timing format. Specify param if profiling was done with --timing-param. trace if profiling was done with --timing-trace.
--epsilon Epsilon resolution
--util Maximum utilization
--policy{RM,EDF} Specifies scheduling policy. RM for rate monotonic EDF for earliest deadline first
--kfile <filename> Path to the csv file that list the name of the tasks,its k, and its limit of interest (task name,k,l)
Note that e2e sens command requires all the specified options. The traces and the Timed C file are required to be in the same folder. To perform sensitivity analysis of the specified example we run
e2e sens example.c --trace-format param --policy EDF --epsilon 0.05 --util 0.98 --kfile klist
Note that traces were obtained using --timing-param option.