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Utilities to make Core Data applications as free of template code (and as painless) as possible


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#TICoreDataUtilities Utilities to make Core Data applications as free of template code (and as painless) as possible

Tim Isted
Twitter: @timisted

##License TICoreDataUtilities is offered under the MIT license.

##Summary TICoreDataUtilities is a collection of classes (well, currently only two classes, I'm not ready to release the rest yet) to make it easier to work with Core Data, or replace much of the template code in Core Data application projects both on the Mac desktop and on iPhone OS/iOS. Functionality includes

  • Easy creation of a Managed Object Context (MOC), with auto-generation of Persistent Store Coordinator and Managed Object Model, either merged from bundles or

    New a specified compiled momd file,

    all using just one line of code.

  • Easy provision of information to a UITableView (on iOS; Mac version on its way), customizable through delegate calls, removing the need for table view data source and delegate callbacks in view controllers.

##Basic Usage Copy all the files in the TICoreDataUtilities directory into your project.

The only utilities available at the moment are TICoreDataFactory for both Mac and iOS, and TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider on iOS.

There's no need to start with the Core Data project templates provided with Xcode, just use a suitable Mac/iPhone OS/iOS application template, add CoreData.framework, and create your data model file or bundle.

##Creating a Managed Object Context To create a pre-configured managed object context, with persistent store coordinator, set to migrate stores automatically, create an instance of the factory and ask it for a managed object context:

TICoreDataFactory *factory = [TICoreDataFactory coreDataFactory];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [factory managedObjectContext];

The managedObjectContext method will build the underlying Core Data objects, if necessary, from the ground up:

  • A persistent store coordinator will be created, using some default settings, all of which may be overridden:

    • persistentStoreDataFileName: the name of the persistent store file on disk. By default, this will be the name of the application, with ".sqlite" appended if it's a SQLite store type, or ".xml" for XML stores (currently on the desktop only).
    • persistentStoreDataPath: the path to the persistent store file on disk. By default, this will take persistentStoreDataFileName and append it to the application's documents directory on the iPhone, or ~/Library/Application Support/AppName on the desktop (creating the directory if necessary).
    • persistentStoreType: the type of file to use. By default, this uses NSSQLiteStoreType.
    • persistentStoreOptions: a dictionary of options specified when the persistent store is created. By default, the only option is NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption set to 1.
  • The managed object model object used by default is created using mergedModelFromBundles:nil. You can override this behavior either by setting the managedObjectModel property on the TICoreDataFactory object to your own model object, or by specifying that it should use a specified .momd file (a compiled data model bundle) using one of three options:

    • use the class method coreDataFactoryWithMomdName:
    • use initWithMomdName: to initialize the factory
    • set the momdName property on the factory before requesting a managed object context

    For each of these options, you specify the name of the compiled managed object model, without its extension (like initWithWindowNibName: for NSWindowController and initWithNibName: for UIViewController). The name of the compiled managed object model will be the same as the managed object model file, but with spaces changed to underscores (e.g. Test Model.xcdatamodeld will be compiled to Test_Model.momd).

    If you don't have a data model bundle, i.e. you have just a single data model file, this will also be picked up by TICoreDataFactory, even though it will be compiled to a .mom file rather than .momd.

###Specifying Options If you need to specify your own options to override the defaults, just set them as properties:

TICoreDataFactory *factory = [TICoreDataFactory coreDataFactory];
[factory setPersistentStoreType:NSBinaryStoreType];
[factory setPersistentStoreDataPath:[@"~/Documents/booYeah" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]];
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [factory managedObjectContext];

###Dealing with Errors TICoreDataFactory maintains a mostRecentError property, which is set as its name implies.

Ideally, you should conform to the TICoreDataFactoryDelegate protocol, and implement the method coreDataFactory:encounteredError: to be notified whenever an error occurs:

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    TICoreDataFactory *factory = [TICoreDataFactory coreDataFactory];
    [factory setDelegate:self];
    [self setManagedObjectContext:[factory managedObjectContext]];

- (void)coreDataFactory:(TICoreDataFactory *)aFactory encounteredError:(NSError *)anError
    NSLog(@"Error = %@", anError);

###Creating Secondary Contexts If you retain the factory object, you can use it to create secondary contexts for use with e.g. background import operations, like this:

NSManagedObjectContext *secondaryContext = [factory secondaryManagedObjectContext];

The secondaryManagedObjectContext method returns a new, autoreleased managed object context, with the same persistent store coordinator used by the primary context.

###Notes Assuming you start with a standard (non-Core Data) application template, don't forget to tell the managed object context to save:!

##Supplying Information to a UITableView When I'm prototyping an app, or working on something in abstraction, I find I frequently need to supply information to a table view for e.g. navigation, or selection of Core Data managed objects. Much of the code necessary to supply the number of sections/rows, configure individual cells, or update the table ends up being copied and pasted template code.

To avoid this, TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider sets itself as the data source and delegate of a table view, and handles most of the work necessary to display information, handle deletion, etc. It uses an NSFetchedResultsController, for which it is also the delegate.

You can either supply a fetch request, or specify an entity name and the name of an attribute to be displayed, and it will handle the rest. By default, it will simply set the text of each cell's textLabel--if the attribute is an NSString, it's used as is, otherwise the provider asks the attribute for its description. It's easy to customize cell display, however, by configuring the cell yourself through the use of a delegate callback.

Delegate callbacks are also used to determine whether objects are editable, or should be deleted. Each callback refers to the relevant managed object instance, so you don't have to worry about calling objectAtIndexPath etc.

###Default Behavior You have two options to initialize an instance of TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider:

  • Create and configure a suitable fetch request.
  • Supply the name of an entity and an attribute to be displayed.

####Initialization with a Fetch Request If you choose to create your own fetch request, make sure it's a suitable fetch request for an NSFetchedResultsController.

NSFetchRequest *request = // some pre-configured fetch request
NSManagedObjectContext *context = // a MOC from somewhere
TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider *provider = [[TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider alloc] initWithFetchRequest:request 

####Initialization by specifying an Entity and Attribute (with optional predicate) If your request needs are simple, it's easier to create the provider by specifying the name of the entity, and the name of an attribute to be displayed. The default behavior will then create a fetch request as needed for the given entity and set it to sort ascending on the attribute.

NSManagedObjectContext *context = // a MOC from somewhere
TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider *provider = [[TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider alloc] initWithEntityName:@"MyEntity" 

If you need to specify a fetch predicate, set it as a property on the provider:

[provider setFetchPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:...]];

###Configuring the Provider Object for your Table View Once you've created a TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider object, you'll need to configure it:

[provider configureForAndSetAsDataSourceAndDelegateToTableView:aTableView];

This method also sets the supplied table view's data source and delegate to the data provider object.

###Performing a Fetch Before the provider can provide any results to a table view, you must call the performFetch method.

For convenience, the provider also offers a performFetchAndReloadTableView method, which does exactly what it says.

###Configuring Cell Display The default behavior sets the text of each cell's textLabel, calling valueForKey: on the relevant managed object, and passing it the string set in displayAttributeName. If you didn't create the provider object using initWithEntityName:displayAttributeName:managedObjectContext:, you'll need to set this displayAttributeName property separately.

To customize this behavior, implement the delegate method tableViewCoreDataProvider:configureCell:forObject::

    // set the delegate for the provider
    [provider setDelegate:self];

- (void)tableViewCoreDataProvider:(TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider *)aProvider configureCell:(UITableViewCell *)aCell forObject:(NSManagedObject *)anObject
    [[aCell textLabel] setText:@"Wooooo!"];
    [[aCell detailTextLabel] setText:[anObject valueForKey:@"myAmazinglyInterestingKey"]];

###Allowing Editing (currently only deletion) of Objects By default, the provider will allow any row in the table view to be edited. To customize this behavior, implement tableViewCoreDataProvider:canEditRowForObject::

- (BOOL)tableViewCoreDataProvider:(TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider *)aProvider canEditRowForObject:(NSManagedObject *)anObject
    return NO;

If the user deletes a row, the default behavior is to delete the relevant object from the managed object context. To customize this, implement tableViewCoreDataProvider:shouldDeleteObject:.

Once any edits (i.e. deletion of objects) have been made, the default behavior is to tell the managed object context to save:. To override this, set the saveContextAfterEditing property on the provider object to NO.

###Selection of Objects When the user taps a row in the interface, the default behavior is to allow selection, then immediately deselect the row (with animation). Implement the tableViewCoreDataProvider:objectWasSelected: method to do whatever you need to do when an object is selected. At present there is no way to prevent a row from being automatically deselected.

To prevent the user from being able to select a row for some object, implement tableViewCoreDataProvider:shouldSelectObject:.

###Dealing with Errors TIUITableViewCoreDataProvider maintains a mostRecentError property, which is set as its name implies.

Implement the delegate method tableViewCoreDataProvider:encounteredError: to be informed of any errors as they occur.

###Fetched Results Controller settings To take advantage of the automatic section capabilities in NSFetchedResultsController, set the sectionNameKeyPath property on the provider object. The fetched results controller object is created lazily, so the sectionNameKeyPath property needs to be set before the provider object is asked for information by the table view. Note that if you specify a section name key path, NSFetchedResultsController requires you to provide suitable sort descriptors. Update the section name key path will now be used as the section title.

By default, the provider doesn't use a cache for the fetched results controller. Set the cacheName property to specify a cache.

The provider object will respond to NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods to make automatic updates to the table view on a row-by-row basis. If you would prefer just to reload the table view whenever changes occur, set the reloadsEntireTableViewForAnyChange property to YES.

##Example Projects A Mac example project is on its way.

###iPhone - TimeStamps There is one example iPhone project included, which mimics the behavior of the default Core Data iPhone Navigation-Based template project with an Event entity and timeStamp attribute.

The application delegate uses TICoreDataFactory to generate the Core Data stack, including the managed object context, which it passes to the root view controller at launch. The view controller implements tableViewCoreDataProvider:objectWasSelected: to log a message to the console whenever the user selects a row.

Note that the example project saves the managed object context whenever new objects are added, and uses the default bevahior of the provider object to save the context whenever objects are deleted, so there's no need for the app delegate to save: the context at termination.

##To Do List

  • Add TINSTableViewCoreDataProvider class.
  • Merge TIManagedObjectExtensions into TICoreDataUtilities.


Utilities to make Core Data applications as free of template code (and as painless) as possible







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