#TIManagedObjectExtensions *A category on NSManagedObject to facilitate easy creation, fetching and counting of objects with Core Data *
Tim Isted
Twitter: @timisted
##License TIManagedObjectExtensions is offered under the MIT license.
is a category on NSManagedObject
, adding one-line code utilities to subclasses of NSManagedObject
, making it easy to:
- Create an instance in a given managed object context (MOC).
- Create a fetch request for a given MOC with optional predicate and/or sort descriptor(s).
- Fetch all instances of an entity in a MOC with optional sort descriptor(s).
- Fetch instances matching a predicate, or predicate format string and arguments.
- New: Fetch a single instance matching a predicate.
- Count all instances of an entity in a MOC.
- Count instances matching a predicate, or predicate format string and arguments.
All methods are class methods, prefixed with ti_
to avoid future conflicts.
##Basic Usage Copy all the files in the TIManagedObjectExtensions directory into your project.
TIManagedObjectExtensions makes use of a method called ti_entityName
to get the name of the entity for this class. It takes the name of the class and removes the first two characters, to convert e.g. a classname of TIEmployee
to an entity name of Employee
. If your class and entity don't follow this naming convention, you'll need to override ti_entityName
to return a string with the name of your entity.
TIManagedObjectExtensions currently only works for subclasses of NSManagedObject
, not NSManagedObject
itself, because it obviously can't determine the name of the entity (in a class method) for generic NSManagedObject
. In the future, all methods will have ti_someMethod:::forEntityName:
The methods in TIManagedObjectExtensions.h
should all be self explanatory.
###Creating Objects To create a new managed object for the current entity: TIEmployee *newEmployee = [TIEmployee ti_objectInManagedObjectContext:someContext];
This method returns a new managed object for the entity, inserted into the managed object context.
(See TICoreDataUtilties for easy creation of managed object contexts without using template code)
###Fetching Objects ####All Objects To fetch all the objects for the current entity: NSError *anyError = nil; NSArray *results = [TIEmployee ti_allObjectsInManagedObjectContext:someContext error:&anyError];
####Matching Predicates To fetch objects matching a predicate, you can either create the predicate: NSPredicate *testPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.department == %@", someDepartment];
results = [TIEmployee ti_objectsMatchingPredicate:testPredicate
or specify it as a format string:
results = [TIEmployee ti_objectsInManagedObjectContext:someContext
matchingPredicateWithFormat:@"self.department == %@", someDepartment];
####Sorting All relevant methods can also take either a single sort descriptor, or an array of sort descriptors: NSSortDescriptor *singleDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"firstName" ascending:YES]
results = [TIEmployee ti_objectsMatchingPredicate:testPredicate
You can also specify the name of a key for sorting and whether the sort should be ascending or descending: results = [TIEmployee ti_allObjectsInManagedObjectContext:someContext sortedByKey:@"dateOfBirth" ascending:YES error:&anyError];
####Fetching a Single Object
To return only the first object that matches a predicate, you can use one of the ti_firstObjectIn...
TIEmployee *anEmployee = [TIEmployee ti_firstObjectInManagedObjectContext:someContext
matchingPredicateWithFormat:@"self.employeeID matches %@", someID];
If no objects match, this will return nil
##To Do List
- Add non-entity-specific versions of all methods