Thanks to GitHub, I can haz a website!
GitHub provides Pages to host personal websites.
Just create a
repository in your GitHub account, commit HTML files and you're done!
GitHub Pages is a static content hosting, which means no PHP. Instead, it provides a configurable, compiled, Ruby-based infrastructure called Jekyll.
Static does not mean old school. With Jekyll you can get:
- Markdown syntax
- code factorization with Liquid scripts
- easy (but not that light) testing environment with a local server
I used a Bootstrap theme as a start for this blog. You get astonishing working websites in minutes. Then I completely redesigned the code to get a clean and concise Liquid code that focuses on content, not on HTML. As an example, you may have a look at my file.
I use Travis to ensure continuous testing and integration. Each push to GitHub automatically launches a build/deploy/test sequence and sends me the result by email. Look at my ci repository for a quick demo of Travis.
I run Ubuntu 14.10 to develop this site. From that point, the should get you step by step to a working development environment.
Then you'll need Git to push your website to GitHub.
This software design is provided under the Creative Commons CC-Zero License. All page and post contents (articles and other texts or images) are provided under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND License, unless they belong to the original Bootstrap theme. The Boostrap theme is provided under its own original license.