A simple demo of Push Notifications using expo-notifications
- Settings page to request user for push notification permission.
- Each app (device) generates an `ExpoPushToken` and sends it to the server to store in persistent storage (DB).
- App is a calculator frontend. Calculations are done in the server, and results sent as push notifications to the app (the device which initiated the calculation).
- App also has a button to force the server to trigger and immediate push notification to all registered devices, with a custom message (Some random quote).
$ ngrok http http://localhost:9871
Replace the url in .env.local
with the url in the ngrok
Run the backend:
$ cd backend
$ RUST_LOG=INFo cargo run --release
This will start a server at
Create a development build:
$ eas build -p ios -e development [--local]
$ eas build -p android -e development [--local]
Start a local expo
$ npx expo start
Scan the QR Code with a scanner app (Camera app on iOS
) and launch the app.
Push Notifications.
Server to a specific device [✅]
- iOS [✅]
- Android [✅]
Sending to multiple devices [✅]
- iOS []✅
- Android[✅
App in background [✅]
- iOS [✅]
- Android [✅]
App in foreground [✅]
- iOS [✅]
- Android [✅]
App closed []
- iOS [✅]
- Android [❌] (Oppo A7, Android 8.1) (possibly model/OS specific as well: https://docs.expo.dev/push-notifications/receiving-notifications/#closed-notification-behavior)
App uninstalled and reinstalled []
- iOS [✅] (registering agin gives same expo push token)
- Android [
⚠️ ] (registering again gives different expo push token)
Server to a specific device []
- iOS []
- Android []
Sending to multiple devices []
- iOS []
- Android[]
App in background []
- iOS []
- Android []
App in foreground []
- iOS []
- Android []
App closed []
- iOS []
- Android []
App uninstalled and reinstalled []
- iOS []
- Android []