Description: BOM-Bar is an experimental bill-of-materials aggregator and (license compatibility) policy validation service.
By uploading the latest bill-of-materials from every CI build, the BOM-Bar service can keep an inventory of all packages in use within an organization and provide feedback to the development team on potential (license) policy violations.
License compatibility detection takes individual package licenses, the target distribution and package relations into account. Violations can be manually overridden after investigation for packages that provide a package URL. (The Package URL is used as identifier to track such exemptions across bill-of-materials uploads.)
Package URLs also provide insights into the use of versions of packages, and the re-use of packages across projects.
Bill-of-materials files are uploaded as SPDX tag-value files, where relationships from the document are used to build the typed hierarchy of packages. This information is used to separate deliverable from development packages, and identify any originating project for a package version.
(See the architecture document for a detailed technical description.)
The service requires at least Java 11.
The Flutter web user interface is built by the install_ui
script from
the /ui
directory. This script builds the web application and installs it into
the /src/main/resources/static
directory of the backend.
The Java backend software is built by the standard Maven mvn clean install
The server is started as a standard Java executable
using java -jar <application-name>.jar
After starting up, the service exposes on port 8080 (=default):
- A user interface to browse projects for detected policy violations and packages and grant exemptions.
- An API to upload SPDX software bill-of-materials documents in tag-value format
by a POST request to
. - A (basic) and insecure database management tool on url
. with default credentials "user" and "password".
If migration of the database fails, a stand-alone database server can be started from the command line on Linux or Mac using:
java -jar ~/.m2/repository/com/h2database/h2/<version>/h2-<version>.jar
(Failed migrations can be manually corrected or removed in the "flyway_schema_history" table.)
After building the project, you can also run the application with Docker.
Build docker image:
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t bom-bar .
Run application:
docker run -p 8080:8080 bom-bar
Run application:
docker run -p 8080:8080 philipssoftware/bom-bar:latest
Java unit tests are executed by the Maven mvn clean test
Flutter unit tests are executed by the Flutter flutter test
command from
the /ui
The software is not suited for production use.
These are the most important topics that need to be addressed: (A marked checkbox means the topic is in progress.)
- License compatibility evaluation.
- List applicable packages per license obligation
- Import license obligations from e.g. OSADL
Future ideas:
- Derive key technologies of projects from packages used
- Track security vulnerabilities.
BOM-Bar is an experimental tool and not a substitute for human review of each dependency for licensing or any other issues. It is not the goal of BOM-Bar to provide legal advice about licensing or any other issues. If you have any questions regarding licensing compliance for your code or any other legal issues relating to it, it’s up to you to do further research or consult with a professional.
Submit an issue in the issue tracker of this project.