This is a Management System for Students, Teachers and other all stuffs powered by WordPress. Its manage School and College education system.
- Unzip the package on you computer.
- upload the unzipped folder the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Click Plugins > Add New inside of your WordPress install.
- Click Upload and select the package
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- If you've made any custom changes to the core you'll need to merge those changes into the new package. Unzip the package on you computer. Replace the current folder in your plugins folder with the new unzipped folder from your computer.
- Student Mangement Via Admin ( Add, Edit, View, Delete )
- Admin Can manage Teachers ( Add, Edit, View, Delete )
- Admin Can manage Stuffs ( Add, Edit, View, Delete )
- Admin Manage Notice for all stuffs
- .......... and lots more...