- Favicon generator Uses the
package to generate favicons and manifests on all required platforms - Yaml config Put all your site config in one place in a site.yml file in your content folder
- Single image input Generates everything off a single image and the site meta data for description, colors, etc.
- Webpack loader Simple installation as Next.js plugin automatically installs a dedicated webpack loader for the favicon
- Generates HTML helmet data Returns the HTML header links for all generated icons and manifest info
- React generator The HTML header links are already React elements ready for you to insert using
npm install next-favicon-loader next-compose-plugins
Add the plugin with next-compose-plugins
to your Next.js configuration:
// next.config.js
const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins");
const nextFaviconLoader = require("next-favicon-loader");
module.exports = withPlugins([
// your other plugins here
Create a site properties file that includes a manifest section in yaml
// docs/_config/index.yml
appName: Novela by Narative
appShortName: Novela
appDescription: Novela by Narative
start_url: /
background: "#fff"
theme_color: "#fff"
display: standalone
alwaysEmitFull: false
Option | Type | Description |
meta | object | The contents of the file containing the site meta data |
file | string | The folder where theme files including favicon are kept |
file | string | The absolute filename including path and extension of the base favicon used for generating |
You can now simply create a single 512x512 or 1024x1024 png file of your favicon, require it in at least one place on both client and server side logic in your Next.js app with a special ?favicon
resourceQuery, and in Dev mode a simple favicon will be set (with updating hashname so you can see the updates on refresh) and in production builds a full set of icons and browser manifest will be generated and the associated HTML react components returned
// pages/_app.tsx
import '@/docs/assets/favicon.png?favicon'
// .. rest of _app file goes here
/// pages/_document.tsx
import React from 'react'
import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'
import Meta from '@/docs/assets/favicon.png?favicon'
export default class MyDocument extends Document {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<Html lang="en">
<Main />
<NextScript />
// tsconfig.json
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/docs/*": [
// global.d.ts
type FaviconData = Array<any>
declare module '*.png?favicon' {
const content: FaviconData
export default content
Licensed under the MIT license.
© Copyright Guy Barnard and Tinia Labs contributors