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tiny656 committed Feb 15, 2025
1 parent 4e23572 commit 3a364d8
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Showing 7 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions.
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// Helper structure to store DFS information for each vertex
typedef struct {
int dfn; // Discovery time
int low; // Lowest vertex reachable
int inStack; // Whether vertex is in stack
} VertexInfo;

// Helper function for Tarjan's algorithm
void Tarjan(Graph G, Vertex v, VertexInfo *info, Vertex *stack, int *top,
int *time, void (*visit)(Vertex), int *visited) {
info[v].dfn = info[v].low = (*time)++;
stack[(*top)++] = v;
info[v].inStack = 1;

PtrToVNode node = G->Array[v];
while (node) {
Vertex w = node->Vert;
if (info[w].dfn == -1) { // Unvisited vertex
Tarjan(G, w, info, stack, top, time, visit, visited);
if (info[w].low < info[v].low)
info[v].low = info[w].low;
} else if (info[w].inStack) { // Back edge to vertex in stack
if (info[w].dfn < info[v].low)
info[v].low = info[w].dfn;
node = node->Next;

// If v is root of SCC, pop stack and print component
if (info[v].dfn == info[v].low) {
Vertex w;
do {
w = stack[--(*top)];
info[w].inStack = 0;
if (!visited[w]) {
visited[w] = 1;
} while (w != v);
printf("\n"); // Print newline after each component

void StronglyConnectedComponents(Graph G, void (*visit)(Vertex V)) {
// Initialize arrays
VertexInfo *info = (VertexInfo*)malloc(G->NumOfVertices * sizeof(VertexInfo));
Vertex *stack = (Vertex*)malloc(G->NumOfVertices * sizeof(Vertex));
int *visited = (int*)calloc(G->NumOfVertices, sizeof(int));
int top = 0; // Stack top
int time = 0; // DFS timestamp

// Initialize vertex info
for (Vertex v = 0; v < G->NumOfVertices; v++) {
info[v].dfn = -1;
info[v].low = -1;
info[v].inStack = 0;

// Run Tarjan's algorithm for each unvisited vertex
for (Vertex v = 0; v < G->NumOfVertices; v++) {
if (info[v].dfn == -1) {
Tarjan(G, v, info, stack, &top, &time, visit, visited);

// Free memory
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void ShortestDist(LGraph Graph, int dist[], Vertex S) {
// Initialize queue for BFS
int queue[MaxVertexNum];
int front = 0, rear = 0;
bool visited[MaxVertexNum] = {false};

// Initialize all distances to -1 (unreachable)
for (int i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
dist[i] = -1;

// Set distance to source as 0 and enqueue
dist[S] = 0;
queue[rear++] = S;
visited[S] = true;

// BFS
while (front < rear) {
// Dequeue a vertex
Vertex V = queue[front++];

// Traverse all adjacent vertices
PtrToAdjVNode currentNode = Graph->G[V].FirstEdge;
while (currentNode) {
Vertex W = currentNode->AdjV;
if (!visited[W]) {
// Update distance and enqueue
dist[W] = dist[V] + 1;
queue[rear++] = W;
visited[W] = true;
currentNode = currentNode->Next;
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void ShortestDist(MGraph Graph, int dist[], Vertex S) {
bool collected[MaxVertexNum];
int i;

// Initialize
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
dist[i] = INFINITY;
collected[i] = false;
dist[S] = 0;

while (1) {
// Find the uncollected vertex with smallest distance
Vertex V = -1;
int minDist = INFINITY;
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (collected[i] == false && dist[i] < minDist) {
V = i;
minDist = dist[i];

// If no such vertex exists, break
if (V == -1) break;

collected[V] = true;

// Update dist[] through V
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (collected[i] == false && Graph->G[V][i] > 0) {
if (dist[V] + Graph->G[V][i] < dist[i]) {
dist[i] = dist[V] + Graph->G[V][i];

// Convert INFINITY to -1 for unreachable vertices
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (dist[i] == INFINITY) dist[i] = -1;
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bool TopSort(LGraph Graph, Vertex TopOrder[]) {
int inDegree[MaxVertexNum] = {0}; // Array to store in-degree of each vertex
int count = 0; // Count of vertices in topological order
Vertex queue[MaxVertexNum]; // Queue to store vertices with 0 in-degree
int front = 0, rear = 0; // Queue pointers

// Calculate in-degree for each vertex
for (int v = 0; v < Graph->Nv; v++) {
PtrToAdjVNode w = Graph->G[v].FirstEdge;
while (w) {
w = w->Next;

// Initialize queue with vertices that have 0 in-degree
for (int v = 0; v < Graph->Nv; v++) {
if (inDegree[v] == 0) {
queue[rear++] = v;

// Process vertices in queue
while (front < rear) {
Vertex v = queue[front++];
TopOrder[count++] = v;

// Decrease in-degree for all adjacent vertices
PtrToAdjVNode w = Graph->G[v].FirstEdge;
while (w) {
if (--inDegree[w->AdjV] == 0) {
queue[rear++] = w->AdjV;
w = w->Next;

// If count equals number of vertices, topological sort is possible
return count == Graph->Nv;
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void merge_pass(ElementType list[], ElementType sorted[], int N, int length) {
int i, j, k, a, b;
int start1, end1, start2, end2;

// Process pairs of sublists
for (i = 0; i < N; i += 2 * length) {
// Define boundaries for first sublist
start1 = i;
end1 = start1 + length < N ? start1 + length : N;

// Define boundaries for second sublist
start2 = end1;
end2 = start2 + length < N ? start2 + length : N;

// Merge the two sublists
k = start1; // Starting position in sorted array
a = start1; // Index for first sublist
b = start2; // Index for second sublist

// Compare and merge elements from both sublists
while (1)
if (a == end1 && b == end2) break;
else if (a == end1) sorted[k++] = list[b++];
else if (b == end2) sorted[k++] = list[a++];
else if (list[a] <= list[b]) sorted[k++] = list[a++];
else sorted[k++] = list[b++];
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void ShortestDist(MGraph Graph, int dist[], int count[], Vertex S) {
int i;
bool collected[MaxVertexNum];

// Initialize
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
dist[i] = INFINITY;
count[i] = 0;
collected[i] = false;

// Initialize source vertex
dist[S] = 0;
count[S] = 1;

while (1) {
// Find the uncollected vertex with minimum distance
int minV = -1;
int minDist = INFINITY;
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (!collected[i] && dist[i] < minDist) {
minDist = dist[i];
minV = i;

// If no such vertex exists, break
if (minV == -1) break;

collected[minV] = true;
// Update dist[] and count[] through minV
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (!collected[i] && Graph->G[minV][i] < INFINITY) {
if (dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][i] < dist[i]) {
// Found a shorter path
dist[i] = dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][i];
count[i] = count[minV];
else if (dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][i] == dist[i]) {
// Found another shortest path
count[i] += count[minV];

// Convert unreachable vertices' distance to -1
for (i = 0; i < Graph->Nv; i++) {
if (dist[i] == INFINITY) {
dist[i] = -1;
count[i] = 0;
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void ShortestDist(MGraph Graph, int dist[], int path[], Vertex S) {
bool collected[MaxVertexNum];
int V, W, minV;
WeightType minDist;

// Initialize
for (V = 0; V < Graph->Nv; V++) {
dist[V] = INFINITY;
path[V] = -1;
collected[V] = false;

// Set source vertex
dist[S] = 0;

while (1) {
// Find the uncollected vertex with minimum distance
minDist = INFINITY;
minV = -1;

for (V = 0; V < Graph->Nv; V++) {
if (collected[V] == false && dist[V] < minDist) {
minDist = dist[V];
minV = V;

// If no such vertex exists, break
if (minV == -1) break;

collected[minV] = true;

// Update dist[] and path[] through minV
for (W = 0; W < Graph->Nv; W++) {
if (collected[W] == false && Graph->G[minV][W] < INFINITY) {
if (dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][W] < dist[W]) {
dist[W] = dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][W];
path[W] = minV;
} else if (dist[minV] + Graph->G[minV][W] == dist[W] &&
GetPathLength(path, minV, S) + 1 < GetPathLength(path, W, S)) {
// If same distance but fewer edges, update path
path[W] = minV;

// Convert unreachable vertices' distances to -1
for (V = 0; V < Graph->Nv; V++) {
if (dist[V] == INFINITY) {
dist[V] = -1;

// Helper function to count the number of edges in a path
int GetPathLength(int path[], int V, int S) {
int count = 0;
while (V != S && V != -1) {
V = path[V];
return V == -1 ? INFINITY : count;

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