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Releases: tipam/pi3d

bug fix tobytes switched back to tostring and Texture accepts PIL.Image

08 Dec 21:40
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bug fix PIL.Image.tobytes() does not work with the old python-imaging. Texture can be passed an image object instead of a string path to an image file.

version v1.10 scenery functionality bug fixes

21 Oct 22:33
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a utility class has been added for background loading scenery as elevation maps and mergegroups. Elevationmap.calcheight fixed and provides optional return of normal vector. Shaders downgraded to consistant medium precesion as this is limit on some platforms.

version v1.9 minor fixes pypi status moved to stable

02 Aug 09:45
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String.quick_change allows change of text without creating new String object

v1.8 various fixes and enhancements

23 Apr 23:12
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uv_reflect and mat_reflect shaders now map reflected image correctly. Shapes have a list of children that inherit transformations (i.e. finger child of hand <- forearm <- upper-arm <- body etc) Sphere has argument invert that makes normals face in for use as environment. More flexible loading of wavefront obj files. Large sprites can be made using an array of textures.

v1.7 minor bug fix

20 Jan 15:41
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numpy generated normals in Buffer init error message but not material. Update year to 2014. PostProcess utilizes glScissor to allow faster rendering of offscreen texture at lower resolutions.

v1.6 simple GUI functionality

09 Dec 13:14
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minimal fixes. pi3d.util.Gui added

v1.5 bug fixes

25 Nov 19:06
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InputEvents now works with python3

Buffer uses numpy to calculate normals which would be much faster if this were ever required for a large array of vertices.

v.1.4 minor improvements and bug fixes

16 Oct 15:29
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Camera init uses dimensions from Display (as the default instance Camera did) rather than guessing!

Buffer now copes with intentionally missing normals and texture coordinates as would often be the case for drawing points or drawing a Model using self colour (and no texture OR bump mapping)

Pillow has now been correctly fixed but the horrible fixes to get round the previous version will be left in for a while.

Fix memory leak and vertical position of text using Pillow

19 Sep 10:37
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Merge branch 'develop' as 1.3 (alpha)

demos split off to

06 Sep 22:14
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various fixes running on x11 and improvements to the off-screen rendering. PostProcess allows more sophisticated modification of rendered scenes using specialist shaders