In case you need it, a curated list of testimonies / blogposts / packages from entreprises, officials and NGO using R in production and/or for research.
Feel free to contribute.
! BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics
Content (slide decks etc) from presentations related to use of R (#rstats) in the B.C. government
Example repo: CANSIM-dataviewer with the code for the extraction, tabulation, and visualisation of data from Statistics Canada's CANSIM database
- bcmaps, an R package of map layers for British Columbia
Using BuzzFeed’s listicle format to tell stories with maps and charts
How A Booming Population And Climate Change Made California’s Wildfires Worse Than Ever
abpackage - An R package for AB testing leveraging pre-period information
CausalImpact - An R package for causal inference in time series
- One year as a Data scientist at SO - David Robinson
- Text Mining of Stack Overflow Questions
- Understanding PCA using Shiny and Stack Overflow data
- ne year as a Data scientist at Stack Overflow - Julia Silge
- Data scientists making their code public? So crazy it just might work
- cran-server: a lightweight, open-source way to run a custom R package server
- pkgnet: R package to analyze R packages with graph theory
- updraft: parallelize processing DAGs in pure R code
- uptasticsearch: an R data frame client for Elasticsearch