Version 0.31.0
Huge release, with completion of (hopefully) all features for Version 1.0.0
Core features
- Adds support for model specification in pure C++
- Adds support for generating bindings in additional languages
- Adds a formal event system, with callback capabilities in C++ and python
- Implements universal naming of particle types: a registered type can now always be uniquely determined anywhere in a simulation
- Adds "models" module for application-specific modeling features
- Adds libSBML dependency
- Removes carbon
- Adds modular CUDA runtime support
- Improves synchronization of SBML states and state vector dynamics
- Adds simulation I/O based on JSON
- Adds I/O support for 3D model format files
Modeling features
Populates event system with events for
- single events
- time-dependent events
- particle-dependent events
- time- and particle-dependent events
Adds cell polarity model to models module
Adds "reset" boundary condition
Unifies bond interfaces
Visualization / interactive features
Adds camera and basic visualization interfaces
Adds clip planes support for bonds rendering
Adds interactive interface for clip planes
Adds interface for random number generator
Adds interface to customize basic visualization (e.g., background color, scene decorations)
Adds screenshot interface
Adds rendering of space discretization
Adds visualization of view orientation
Adds keyboard commands for
- pre-defined views
- toggling scene decorations
- toggling display of space discretization
Documentation features
- Adds documentation on (hopefully) all modeling and simulation features
- Adds documentation on select back-end details
- Adds automated C/C++ API documentation using Doxygen
- Adds automated Python API documentation using Sphinx
Build / distribution features
- Adds automated local build using conda
- Adds conda package recipe
- Implements CI/CD using Azure