A gradle project template to help set up LWJGL2 applications using Gradle. Provides a standard gradle template using cjstehno's gradle-natives plugin (https://github.com/cjstehno/gradle-natives/).
Clone this repository into your new project's directory
git clone https://github.com/tlrasor/Gradle-Lwjgl2-Template.git yourProjectDirectory
Edit build.gradle for your group, version, and author details
group = 'org.thathanka'
version = '0.1.1'
ext {
authorName = "Travis Rasor"
authorEmail = "[email protected]"
Edit settings.gradle with your project's name
rootProject.name = yourProjectName
The gradle natives plugin needs to be unpacked before tests can be run using:
gradle clean unpackNatives -x test
Then the project can be built and tested using:
gradle test
The project comes with a test that asserts an LWJGL Display can be created its environment.