#### Invidious Update.sh ####
#### Automatic update script for Invidio.us ####
#### Maintained by @tmiland ####
#### version: 1.2.3 ####
Script to install and update Invidious
- Install Invidious
- Update Invidious
- Deploy Invidious with Docker
- Install Invidious service
- Run database maintenance
- Run database migration
- Uninstall Invidious
$ wget https://github.com/tmiland/Invidious-Updater/raw/master/invidious_update.sh
$ chmod +x invidious_update.sh
$ su
$ ./invidious_update.sh
$ cd /home/invidious
$ git clone https://github.com/tmiland/Invidious-Updater.git
$ cd Invidious-Updater
$ chmod +x invidious_update.sh
$ su
$ ./invidious_update.sh
$ ln -s /home/invidious/Invidious-Updater/invidious_update.sh /usr/bin/invidious-updater
$ invidious-updater
Select an option [1-8]: 1
Let's go through some configuration options.
"Do you want to install Invidious release or master?"
- release
- master
Select database name: invidious
Select database password: invidious
Enter the desired domain name: localhost
Are you going to use https only? [y/n]: n
- You entered:
- branch: release/master
- domain: localhost
- https only: false
- dbname: invidious
- password: invidious
Choose your Imagemagick version :
- System's Imagemagick
- (Currently installed version)
- Imagemagick 6 from source
- Imagemagick 7 from source
Invidious is ready to be installed, press any key to continue...
Let's go through some configuration options.
Do you want to checkout Invidious release or master?
- release
- master
Select an option [1-2]: 1
You entered:
- branch: release
Invidious is ready to be updated, press any key to continue...
- Build and start cluster
- Start, Stop or Restart cluster
- Rebuild cluster
- Delete data and rebuild
- Install Docker CE
- Setup Systemd Service
- Database maintenance option Database Information and Maintenance
- Database migration option migrate-scripts
- Uninstallation of Invidious, and everything installed during setup.
- Remove PostgreSQL database for Invidious ? [y/n]
- Enter Invidious PostgreSQL database name: invidious
- Backup will be placed in /home/backup
- Remove Packages ? [y/n]
- Purge Package configuration files ? [y/n]
- Remove files ? [y/n]: <-- This is required for reinstalling.
- Remove user ? [y/n]: <-- This is not required for reinstalling.
- Is that correct? [y/n]:
- Remove PostgreSQL database for Invidious ? [y/n]
- Invidious is ready to be uninstalled, press any key to continue...
- Uninstallation of Invidious, and everything installed during setup.
- Exits the script
Tested extensively on Debian 9
- Docker option tested and working
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04
- Docker option tested, not working
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04
- Add Imagemagick (source) to Uninstall options
- Add Uninstallation option
- Added in version 1.1.4
- Rework the install prompts
- Done in version 1.1.5
- Add database migration option migrate-scripts
- Add database maintenance option Database Information and Maintenance
- Add option to compile imagemagick from source Issues with Captcha on Debian and Ubuntu
- Added in version 1.1.6
- Added support for Imagemagick 6 and 7, or keep current version.
- The captcha clock is working with 6 and 7, not with default pkg.
- Add Deb Packages
- Support for auto-update check
- For Script - Added in 1.1.7
- Rewrite the update procedure - Done in 1.2.2
- Add support to deploy in Docker - Added in 1.2.3
Support for auto-update check
- For Invidious
Support for running own forks
Support for database backup
- Debian 8 and later
- Ubuntu 16.04 and later
- Code is mixed and and customized from these sources:
- PayPal me
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